15 Quotes & Sayings By David Icke

Frank Joseph David Icke (born 19 September 1949) is an English writer and public speaker. He is best known for his conspiracy theories and his views on many world leaders and issues such as the New World Order, Zionism, the ruling elite, and the origins of religion. He is an ordained priest in the Church of England with a doctorate in human biology. He has been described as a "lone voice" in British public life, with his social commentary receiving little attention from mainstream media.

We laugh at sheep because sheep just follow the one in front. We humans have out-sheeped the sheep, because at least the sheep need a sheep dog to keep them in line. Humans keep each other in line. And they do it by ridiculing or condemning anyone who commits the crime, and that’s what it’s become, of being different. David Icke
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations. David Icke
No one rules if no one obeys David Icke
If you want to know the outcome of a game before the game has even started, you need to control each side. David Icke
Crazy and insane are words used throughout history to describe people and ideas that are simply different. David Icke
The BBC sports department when I was there was seriously to the right of Ghengis Khan, and if people think I am strange, they should have met some of the production staff I worked with. Margaret Thatcher and the Queen were the pin up girls for many of them. David Icke
What we call the 'world' and the 'universe' is only one frequency range in an infinite number sharing the same space. The interdimensional entities I write about are able to move between these frequencies or dimensions and manipulate our lives. David Icke
A friend at school was always being laughed at because his father emptied dustbins for a living. But those who laughed worshipped famous footballers. This is an example of our topsy-turvy view of 'success.' Who would we miss most if they did not work for a month, the footballer or the garbage collector? David Icke
The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous. David Icke
We are reflections of one another, therefore I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all projections of the universal principles of creation/destruction polarities of the same infinite consciousness that we call God. David Icke
A gift of truth is the gift of love. David Icke
Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion. David Icke
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground. David Icke
Any society where it's a crime or a hassle to be different is a society based on psychological fascism. David Icke