8 Quotes & Sayings By David Hare

Born in 1948, David Hare was educated at Eton and at Oxford University. He became a journalist and author. His plays include "The Blue Light", "The Absence of War", "In the Bleak Midwinter" and "If...". His plays have been produced in London's West End and across Europe Read more

He has written two novels, "The Blue Room" and "The Tricksters", both of which were longlisted for the Booker Prize. He has also writen a book on the origins of the English language.

The act of writing is the act of discovering what...
The act of writing is the act of discovering what you believe. David Hare
We appealed to the conscience of the world. The world has no conscience. We have no one but ourselves." The fight. The struggle. The historic destiny. The return of the people. The cause: life therefore having a meaning and shape that eludes the rest of us in the endless wash of 'What the hell are we doing here?' In a single day, says an Israeli friend, he experiences events and emotions that would keep a Swede going for a year. . David Hare
People always say that in England we lead shallow lives. Our lives must be shallow because we live in a country where nobody believes in anything any more. My whole life, I've been told: 'Western civilization? An old bitch gone in the teeth, ' And so people say, go to Israel. Because in Israel at least people are fighting. In Israel, they're fighting for something they believe in. David Hare
Now it turns out that a few broadsheet film critics in Britain do indeed belong to a category of people who would have resisted Hitler when he came to power. So the great shame is, clearly film critics should have been running Austria at the time, because Hitler would have represented no problem to them at all. [The Guardian's] Peter Bradshaw would have known exactly what to do, and he would not have been remotely fallible to any Nazi who threatened his life. No, he would have died in heroic acts of individual resistance. So it's a privilege to live among people who enjoy such moral certainty. David Hare
The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe. David Hare
Poetry is the key to the hieroglyphics of nature. David Hare
Thought is the wind and knowledge the sail. David Hare