6 Quotes & Sayings By Czech Proverb

The following is a list of proverbs from the Czech language. “A month ago I was working for my father, and we were both poor – now we are rich.” – this is a proverb that means: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” – this is a proverb that means: “A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” – this is a proverb that means: “A man who has lived in luxury is always at his door.” – this is a proverb that means: “A man's house shall be called the castle of his soul.” – this is a proverb that means: “A person should not accept something unless he would be glad to give it back.” – this is a proverb that means:

If the sky falls, we shall catch larks./ Když nebe padá , zjímáme skÅâ„¢ivani. Czech Proverb
When you go to buy use your eyes not your ears. Czech Proverb
It is not the thief who is hanged but one who was caught stealing. Czech Proverb
Do not protect yourself by a fence but rather by your friends. Czech Proverb
Misfortunes always come in by a door that has been left open for them. Czech Proverb