3 Quotes & Sayings By Cucuk Espe

Cucuk Espe is a contemporary author and writing teacher, who has written 25 novels and 150 short stories. He is the author of the series of novels “Zor Çarkın Dostu” (“The friend of the Dragon”) and “Zor Çarkın Kralı” (“The king of the Dragon”), both urban fantasy stories that have been translated into several languages, including English, Turkish and Urdu. The author has also published three collections of short stories: “Korkuyor Fabrikalar” (“Fear factories: Stories from my life”), “Korkuyor Hakikatleri: Kayalar ve Zihin Sevgisi” (Fear Factories: A collection of short stories about anxiety, anxiety attacks, phobias, public speaking, social anxiety, school anxiety, job interview anxiety, stage fright, fear of failure), and “Sevmek İçin Arzular Bilmezsiniz” (You Don't Know What You'll Need If You Want to Be Happy.)

If there is no perfection of a work , be sure the perfection of a plan. Cucuk Espe
Write it as easy as you think about the difficulty Cucuk Espe