5 Quotes & Sayings By Clay Clark

Clay Clark, Ph.D., is the co-author of the #1 bestselling book on leadership, "Awaken the Giant Within." A former corporate executive and leadership trainer, Dr. Clark has appeared on Larry King Live, Oprah, MSNBC, CNN, and numerous other media outlets to discuss his work and share his life's journey of personal transformation. He regularly consults with Fortune 500 companies and government leaders on their development programs. Dr Read more

Clay Clark is an original co-creator of the Personal Vision Summit, a world-class leadership training event for executives and business owners that was recently named "one of the world's most influential business events" by Business Week magazine.

My friend, doubt is the opposite of faith and the two cannot exist together in the same time and place. Either you believe or you don’t. To build your faith and to absolutely hammer home the incredible importance of embracing the reality that success is a choice. Clay Clark
I am writing this book so the doers, the drivers, and the hard workers out there will have a Step-By-Step ultra-practical guide that will teach the specific action steps one must take to start and grow a successful business. If you take action and do everything this book tells you to do, you will make millions. If you just intend on doing everything in this book you will make a mediocre living or you will be poor and it will be your own fault. Clay Clark
Plain and simple, marketing is about nothing more than getting your product or service in front of likely buyers in a positively memorable way. Although there have been thousands of books written about marketing, that really is all that it’s about. When starting a business or growing your existing business, you must come to grips with the fact that marketing is SUPER IMPORTANT. In fact without effective marketing and a steady stream of customers, nothing else about your business really matters. The fancy LLC you just setup doesn’t matter. The super-detailed “Operating Agreement” doesn’t matter. The S-Corp you formed doesn’t matter and the new office space you just built out doesn’t matter either. Poor marketing makes people poor. Great marketing makes people rich. Clay Clark
Have you ever noticed some people are able to stay organized while getting a massive quantity of work accomplished, while others appear to be busy but never actually produce results? Time management is the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Clay Clark