5 Quotes & Sayings By Cindy Vine

Cindy Vine has a degree in Communications from Syracuse University and a background in TV, radio, and print journalism. She's a self-professed word nerd with a fascination for all things literary and a love of reading. Cindy is an avid fan of fantasy novels, historical fiction, mysteries, and contemporary romance novels. Her favorite things in life include her husband, three sons, her pug Murphy, and her very own black lab named Bear.

In books and movies, all the loose ends are tired, things are resolved, mysteries are solved, they catch the killer, the boy gets the girl, a sick baby is miraculously healed. In reality it doesn't always work that way. The killer gets away, the girl is in love with another boy, things just get buried under new dramas and don't get resolved. Life is far more complicated than the life depicted in a book or a movie. . Cindy Vine
It felt great to be loved. Children... Children are a hazard to your life... As they'd got older they had become more expensive. But it was worth it. If she didn't have her children her life would be empty. And even though your children leave your nest, they always have one foot tethered to you. Cindy Vine
Your kids never really leave do they? They might live elsewhere, sometimes not even on the same continent, but Mum is always first port of call when there's trouble. Parenting is a lifetime commitment. Cindy Vine
Who knows why our kids do what they do? All we can do is just love them." - Fenella Cindy Vine