3 Quotes & Sayings By Christian Cameron

Christian Cameron is a successful author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. He is a former Navy SEAL and a former US Army Ranger. Christian is the Founder and CEO of The Fire Starter Academy, the world's first program designed to teach entrepreneurs how to create a business from nothing in less than three months. He has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Entrepreneur Magazine for his work in entrepreneurship Read more

Christian became a millionaire at the age of 25 while working part-time as a waiter and full-time as an investment banker. Christian is also the Founder and CEO of FirestarterPR, a public relations firm that specializes in helping entrepreneurs and business owners get their message out to the media and build their brand online.

A dead war horse is the single most expensive corpse...
A dead war horse is the single most expensive corpse you’ll ever see. Christian Cameron
Boys torment each other when there’s nothing else to do and no Frenchmen to fight. Christian Cameron