4 Quotes & Sayings By Christa Parravani

Christa Parravani is an Italian author and translator. Her books have been published in Italy, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. She is also a scriptwriter and co-producer of films such as "The Eye" and "That Time of the Month". She has translated works by authors such as Heinrich Böll, Max Frisch and Gunter Grass.

Nobody wants to be alone in misery. Cara experienced no shame in admitting that need. Not only did she not want to suffer alone, she demanded co-suffering from all who dared love her. Christa Parravani
If you are a twin, you watch yourself live two lives—yours and hers. It’s constant comparison. I am never as good as the bad I wanted her to be. I was the only soldier I needed. We couldn’t haven known what splitting would mean. Time speeds past fast, scattering like shrapnel, and is quiet as cobwebs. We wait for the ambush. Sister will find out first; she’ll be my living memory. She will be the body left standing. Christa Parravani
I thought the doctor's diagnosis was the first step to mending her. I know now that a diagnosis is taken in like an orphaned dog. We brought it home, unsure how to care for it, to live with it. It raised its hackles, snarled, hid in the farthest corner of the room; but it was ours, her diagnosis. The diagnosis was timid and confused, and genetically wired to strike out. Christa Parravani