3 Quotes & Sayings By Chelsea Radojcic

Chelsea Radojcic is a researcher, author and professional speaker. She holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of South Florida, as well as a Master's Degree in Counseling from the University of Denver. Chelsea's first book, "The Power of Intention: Living a Life of Purpose" was released in September 2011. Her second book, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: A 7-Step Process for Positive Change," was released in January 2013 Read more

The science-based techniques in these books have been utilized by many people around the world to increase their well-being and happiness. Both books have been referred to as "must reads" by various sources including Dr. Phil, USA Today, The Washington Post and CNN, among others. Chelsea is based out of New York City where she currently resides with her husband and their young daughter.

People never think of a child as being a monster, because if they did, they would never be able to sleep at night. Children are where lies peoples hopes, dreams, innocence... Not where lies murder. Chelsea Radojcic
He belongs to me, and I to him... without each-other, we are merely two lost pieces, empty, without purpose... Chelsea Radojcic