4 Quotes & Sayings By Carmen Posadas

Carmen Posadas is a writer and a storyteller. She has been writing since she was a child and has been telling stories for as long as she can remember. Carmen's love of the written word led her to explore many different genres, from literature, poetry, and creative non-fiction to fiction. She has been published in magazines such as The Writer's Chronicle, The Writer's Digest, El Sol de Latinoamérica, and The Garden Vista Review Read more

Her work has also appeared in anthologies such as To Choke on Your Words: Women Writers Writing the Way They Talk and Women Writing: A Collection of New Fiction by Women Authors. Carmen holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Northern Arizona University and is currently working on her Master's Degree at the University of New Mexico.

All that work: his generous patronage of the arts, the vast sums of money he had donated to worthy causes, setting up charitable organizations. for what? In the end, none of those good works had redeemed him in the eyes of others. People think that men like me give money away to buy forgiveness for a sin or out of vanity, when it's the winner's pathetic tribute to the loser. Look at me, we seem to be begging, I need you too. I need you to accept me, to admire me, to love me. Carmen Posadas
Eight: the age of exploration, of ghosts and secret forays; the age at which a mystery lurks behind every curtain and every armoire opens into a magical world, which you may enter at any time, but who knows when you will return. Carmen Posadas
When no one is left to tell what happened, family histories keep their secrets. Carmen Posadas