7 Quotes & Sayings By Candice Galek

Candice Galek is a wife and mother of two who lives in the beautiful hills of North Georgia. She is a strong believer in encouraging our children to read, and her love of writing began at an early age. Currently, Candice works for the Georgia Department of Early Learning, where she coordinates fundraising events for County Early Learning Partnerships. She has also worked with local school districts to host author visits, storytimes, and reading programs Read more

Her dream is to someday become an author, but until then she'll keep writing stories for her children to read.

If you want to succeed in life you have to...
If you want to succeed in life you have to blaze your own paths Candice Galek
Follow your intuition not other people's words
Follow your intuition not other people's words Candice Galek
Never fear the unknown that is where your future may...
Never fear the unknown that is where your future may lie Candice Galek
In the last decade our attention span has dropped from 13 seconds to 8. To put that in comparison a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds. Don't be a goldfish. Candice Galek
Don’t spend your time or money on being boring. Candice Galek
You can follow others into mediocrity, or you can create something that will be remembered Candice Galek