3 Quotes & Sayings By Campbell R Mcconnell

Campbell R. McConnell is the founder of The Art of Manliness. It all started one summer day when he realized that most of his life's experiences had come from books. He wanted to share his observations on manliness with friends, but felt that they would not enjoy reading a book about him Read more

So he began to write them down in the form of short stories. He wrote about everything from hunting, fishing, and war to fatherhood and life itself. It soon became apparent that the stories were becoming popular, and he decided to turn them into a book.

That book became The Art of Manliness: How to Become a Man of Character in a Changing World.

... economists recognize that, other things equal, cuts in tax rates reduce tax revenues in percentage terms by less than the tax-rate reductions. Similarly, tax-rate increases do not raise tax revenues by as much in percentage terms as the tax-rate increases. This is true because changes in marginal tax rates alter taxpayer behavior and thus affect taxable income. Campbell R. McConnell
Savings, remember, is the prerequisite of investment. Campbell R. McConnell