3 Quotes & Sayings By Benjamin Errett

Benjamin Errett is a Christian activist and author of several books. His first book, The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Life with Purpose: How to Live With Purpose and Meaning in an Uncertain World, was published in 1998. His work is inspired by the Bible and his belief that we can use our free will to make an impact for God's kingdom on Earth.

Does drinking make you wittier? One might as well ask if witting makes you drinkier, which it may. Benjamin Errett
Wit is the thought process that generates truly funny observations, as well as the most incisive comments, lasting quips, and brilliant asides. To say wit is mean is like saying the sun is mean for burning you: The giant ball of hot plasma at the center of our solar system is bigger than that, and why weren't you wearing sunscreen in the first place? Benjamin Errett