4 Quotes & Sayings By Arnaud Saintpaul

Arnaud Saint-Paul is an international specialist of leadership and performance management. He is the author of several bestsellers on this topic such as "The Genius Inside: How to Unlock Your Potential for Greatness" (Simon & Schuster, 2011), "The Leadership Code" (Hachette, 2011), "Leadership Code: The Seven Secret Keys to Success" (Hachette, 2012), "How Great Leaders Lead : Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be" (Penguin, 2014) or "Leadership Code: How to Become a World Class Leader in Any Organization" (Hachette, 2016).

Freedom is in the Now
Freedom is in the Now Arnaud SaintPaul
You is. Within Me! We are ONE.
You is. Within Me! We are ONE. Arnaud SaintPaul
Playing along in the yard, The blue sky sparkles against the earthly green, Creating such harmony! A pond, nearby. Untroubled waters mirrors the ether's dreams. A grand echo of my Divine Heart! I am One Arnaud SaintPaul