16 Quotes & Sayings By Anne Rouen

Anne Rouen is the co-author, with her husband, of the international best-sellers The Good Girl, The Perfect Life, and The Relationship Cure. After an academic career, Anne Rouen moved into the world of self-help books. She has worked alongside her husband on all their best-selling books. Anne lives in London with her husband and two children.

To know, finally, what love is and not be allowed fulfilment ... Anne Rouen
All of them. Fated to love in vain. Anne Rouen
Once the spark of true love has been ignited, it cannot be quenched. It is there forever. Anne Rouen
It is true, Monsieur, that when you die, the ones who love you come for you ... I have seen it. Anne Rouen
It proved what he had always instinctively known. Love is Forever. Anne Rouen
Now, at last, she understood her great attraction to him. Here was the companion of her spirit. Here, indeed, was love. Anne Rouen
Why are we fated to love those we cannot have. ..? Anne Rouen
She was destroyed many years ago, La Belle, on the cobblestones of the alley beside the opera house ... Anne Rouen
Like a brilliant shooting star, she had almost reached her zenith when her light was extinguished. Anne Rouen
One day you will meet someone who will show you what you are made of. I only hope it is someone not forbidden to you ... Anne Rouen
I could not give her my heart, because it already belonged to another; for I have only loved once. Anne Rouen
And what she does not know, what nobody else knows but you, is that I have a special place where I go to be with her; my first, my only love. Anne Rouen
What takes more courage. To live. .. or to die? Anne Rouen
She did not realise that there could be a joy - a spiritual ecstasy- in the touch of a certain man, or that she would long for his touch with all her being Anne Rouen
As in all great cataclysmic events, men are forced to show their true colours. Some will achieve the status of legend for their courage, brilliance and dedication; some will possess all the same qualities unacknowledged; others will be plodders doing their best; and there will be those who will be what they have always been -- sewer rats. Anne Rouen