5 Quotes & Sayings By Anne Katherine

Anne Katherine has been writing since she was eight years old. She has written over 30 short stories and more than a hundred poems that she considers "priceless." Her first novel, "The Seventh Scroll," is complete and will be published soon. Anne Katherine is also a novelist and writer of inspirational fiction.

In every one of your relationships, you are on a continuum between intimacy and separation. You stand on a slide that tilts you toward either intimacy or separateness. Exactly where you stand at any given moment is the result of your decisions, your feelings, how you handle situations, and the way you and the other person communicate. Anne Katherine
The longer we stay in a violating situation, the more traumatized we become. If we don't act on our own behalf, we will lose spirit, resourcefulness, energy, health, perspective, and resilience. We must take ourselves out of violating situations for the sake of our own wholeness. Anne Katherine
Good boundaries, created by the use of good intimacy skills, keep a committed or intimate relationship lightly balanced between the needs of the individual and the needs of the relationship. Anne Katherine
The growth of intimacy will teach us how to love–both ourselves and the other person. If we will allow ourselves to practice the skills of intimacy, we will learn to love. Boundaries protect love and intimacy. Certain behaviors support the integrity of intimacy. Other behaviors, harm, disrupt, or reverse, intimacy. By using skills that promote intimacy, boundaries are created that protect the relationship. Anne Katherine