72 Quotes About Raising Child

Raising children is one of the greatest joys in life. But it comes with significant challenges too. Children are notorious for their mood swings, temper tantrums, and constant need for attention. When they’re happy or sad, they can make you feel it too Read more

There are also many other things to consider when raising children. Here are some of the best quotes about parenting that will inspire you to love your children even more than you already do.

Thus if we know a child has had sufficient opportunity to observe and acquire a behavioral sequence, and we know he is physically capable of performing the act but does not do so, then it is reasonable to assume that it is motivation which is lacking. The appropriate countermeasure then involves increasing the subjective value of the desired act relative to any competing response tendencies he might have, rather than having the model senselessly repeat an already redundant sequence of behavior. Urie Bronfenbrenner
Let them learn at school whatever they learn to pass the examinations, but at home let the education that you provide be the kind that widens their perceptions and takes away the germs of prejudices that infect them while they are out in the world. Abhijit Naskar
Let your child see you doing a good deed instead...
Let your child see you doing a good deed instead of you telling him or her to do it, and the little child shall one day grow up to become a real kind human being. Abhijit Naskar
The doorway to health, higher intelligence and inexhaustible creativity lies in your willingness to live from Source. Risk being who you are meant to be; you are more compassionate, colorful, imaginative, visionary, more sensitive than you think. Lynne GordonMundel
The rules for raising children had gone out with her parents generation of daughters who had lived as Lucy had, in patient silence, acting by standards which had lasted generations, waiting to grow up to make their decisions, following the patterns of their own lives. Susan Richards Shreve
Being a mother is not about ‘birthing a child into the world.’ Rather, it is about repeatedly ‘birthing into the child’ a steady sense of their inestimable worth, a prized understanding of their authentic self, a conviction that the impossible is largely the stuff of myth, and an utterly unwavering belief that cold actions of men never represent the warm heart of God. It is the relentless act of birthing these things into the innermost soul of a thirsty child that makes a woman a mother. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Being a mother is not about ‘birthing a child into the world.’ Rather, it is about repeatedly ‘birthing into the child’ a steady sense of their inestimable worth, a prized understanding of their authentic self, a conviction that the impossible is largely the stuff of myth, and an utterly unwavering belief that the cold actions of men never represent the warm heart of God. It is the relentless act of birthing these things into the innermost soul of a thirsty child that makes a woman a mother. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Feed your child ideas of peace, harmony and compassion but at the same time give them courage to defend their identity and dignity. Abhijit Naskar
You want to know the secret to raising good kids?”“ What’s that? asked Thomas.“High expectations.” Thomas laughed. “Alright, well what’s the secret to a happy marriage?” Clyde smiled back, but his face started to fall, and he chose his words carefully. “… Low expectations. Chris Nicolaisen
It always gave me a peculiar feeling to catch a glimpse of my parents' lives before I was born. Robert Drewe
Myriam and I are both hard workers, and together we make a strong team. We found ways to make a living, educate our children, and to take care of my parents until their last days, and we managed to have fun doing it....The friendships we made along the way were the biggest treasure of all. Marc Ashton
All too soon the garden of childhood is paved cold with the asphalt roads of adulthood. And while it is not within her power to halt this unrelenting progression, a mother can diligently guard this most precious garden and insure that the roads become gentle paths that wind through it instead of byways that kill it. Craig D. Lounsbrough
One of a mother’s greatest gifts is to teach her child that to grow is not to timidly sit on some safe shore at water’s edge and clumsily grab whatever happens to float by. Rather, it is to deliberately step into waters both calm and turbulent in order to wrestle great things to shore. And that lesson can be best taught by a mother who stands before her child dripping wet. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Chilled ice tea that tempered tepid summer days lathered thick with humidity. Frothy hot chocolate that cut winter’s chill. Bedtime prayers that sent our fears scrambling in panicked flight. Golden bouquets of dandelions aromatically rich with the gift of summers scent. Family meals that wove yet another binding thread in and through the tapestry of those seated around the table. These are but the slightest sampling of the innumerable gifts my mother handed to this child of hers. And without them, my life would be impoverished beyond words to describe. . Craig D. Lounsbrough
With the gentle force of their words, the dogged warmth of their embrace, and the assuring touch of souls softly bared, mothers are silently shaping whole societies and authoring entire cultures that sit poised on the horizon of the future. And although we ignorantly relegate such roles to some lower caste status, we would be wise to understand that the role of a mother sets the cadence of the future. Craig D. Lounsbrough
A parent holds within their hands the gift of a child to which they must expend the gift of themselves. And in such a monumental outpouring, the parent will lose both the child and the gifts given, but they will possess the far greater gift of knowing that they gave both. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Every parent is an artist, for the bared canvas of a newborn’s soul begs for the artist’s touch. And because this is so, a parent must prepare the palette with the utmost care, choose the brushes with poised caution, and mindfully attend to every brushstroke regardless of how slight. And such caution is utterly imperative for the emerging rendering will be both a legacy borne of the parent, and a life lived by the child. Craig D. Lounsbrough
The child you hold in your arms is your gift to a future that you will not see. Therefore, we must turn a blind eye to ourselves and selflessly pour the best of ourselves into our children while rigorously sifting out the worst of ourselves. And once we are utterly spent by such daring gestures, we will shockingly discover the resulting emptiness as astonishingly filled. Craig D. Lounsbrough
The biggest mistake that parents make, is believing that their assigned task in life is to teach their children and to guide them in every situation of their children's lives. The truth is that it is the task of parents to both learn from their children and to guide them as well. Parenting is a relationship that goes both ways, from the moment your child is born, you learn from that person, and in fact, your lessons begin long before your child's lessons do. Later on, when you've learned a great deal already, then they begin to learn from you. Throughout our lives, it is a give-and-take relationship, in many ways. Our assigned task is to learn from our children, and to guide and teach them. Their assigned task is to learn from us, and also to teach us. . C. Joybell C.
Start working on your child’s mind. Start building your child’s character. Raise your child as a human being, instead of raising boys and girls. Raise human beings with the religion of love in their hearts. Raise human beings with the language of compassion on their lips. Raise human beings with the color of joy on their face. Raise human beings with the force of bravery in their nerves. And these brave conscientious souls with the flames of compassion in their hearts shall one day change the course of human history. Abhijit Naskar
If you live long enough & have changed enough diapers like I have raising 6 whole grown adult children one-at-a-time; you ought to be able to call out bullshit blindly, in about a million different ways & plays. My potty-training days have long been over..so what fool retards at their wisdom stage? For this chief reason, I could show you better than tell you, try as you might: you cannot change grown ups diapers in life, who think you don't know how 'full of shit' they are today. Tracey Bond
Human making is our mission, but if you break the very soul of the would-be humans, then there will be no human to raise. Abhijit Naskar
Let your children nourish their knack, for that knack shall one day provide them with the way to live with dignity and contentment. Abhijit Naskar
Let your child be the torch of truth and they shall shine over the entirety of the human society brightening even the darkest corners. Abhijit Naskar
There is nothing glorious about creating life out of passionate penetration. Even the animals can do that. The real glory comes when the life you create becomes the help in the lives of countless other humans. Abhijit Naskar
Do not raise creepy crawlers my dear braveheart parents. Raise mighty humans with Himalayan strength in their veins. Give them the voice that has gone extinct in today’s society. And if there is only one thing you could give to your children, then give them courage — courage to pursue their passion — courage to trample every obstacle in their path — courage to keep walking even when their heart bleeds in agony. . Abhijit Naskar
They say it is hard to raise children. They say I would understand it when I have children of my own. They say I would understand it when I go through the experience myself. It is not easy to raise children into adults. There are so many things that could go wrong. Marcella Purnama
Effective parenting requires being the grown up version of what you want your children to be. Why? Because example is the most compelling superpower. Richelle E. Goodrich
Mind what you say, but mind more closely what you do. For though children close their ears to you, their eyes remain wide open. Richelle E. Goodrich
Children rarely follow parental advice unless it is acted out repeatedly. It’s called being an example. Richelle E. Goodrich
Validate my existence with your words and I will speak to you all the day long. Richelle E. Goodrich
I may deserve your disappointment as well as a lecture and strict discipline, but what I need is your understanding, your guidance, and your unconditional love. Richelle E. Goodrich
A ‘good’ father will tenderly cultivate his children. But a ‘good’ father who is also a ‘brave’ father will let the children without cultivate the child within. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Each child is a unique person, so raise your child taking this fact intoconsideration. Eraldo Banovac
Sometimes to be a good parent... You have to laugh when you want to be angry. You have to be angry when you want to laugh. And that is why good parenting is tough. Dan Pearce
Someday my children will look fondly on the annoying things I did and see them clearly as evidence of love. Richelle E. Goodrich
Children who have faith have distinctly different characteristics from those who don't. In fact, one of the main manifestations of a person with strong faith is the ability to give–not just in terms of money or possessions, but also time, love, and encouragement. Stormie Omartian
To stimulate life, leaving it free, however, to unfold itself--that is the first duty of the educator. Maria Montessori
As a mother I see the future in the present. Every little thing she does or says makes me form a hypothesis of how she will see life and treat others in 20 years. So I plan for how amazing she will be now. Instead of living my life I have to live hers. Some may not understand how important it is to be a parent. How present, efficient, selfless, and imaginative you must be. But I do. I only pray that this little face is stronger than I am and more successful for this world and the next. I chase her butterflies. She was created from scratch and presented as a gift from God. She will never roam free, unattended and unloved. Kimberley Alecia Smith
Fairytales teach children that the world is fraught with danger, including life-threatening danger; but by being clever (always), honest (as a rule, but with common-sense exceptions), courteous (especially to the elderly, no matter their apparent social station), and kind (to anyone in obvious need), even a child can succeed where those who seem more qualified have failed. And this precisely what children most need to hear. To let them go on believing that the world is safe, that they will be provided for and achieve worthwhile things even if they remain stupid, shirk integrity, despise courtesy, and act only from self-interest, that they ought to rely on those stronger, smarter, and more able to solve their problems, would be the gravest disservice: to them, and to society as a whole.- On the Supposed Unsuitability of Fairytales for Children . J. Aleksandr Wootton
It is such a privilege to learn from children as they discover new worlds of possibility and give themselves full over to their dreams, inspiring a few adults along the way. Colleen Mariotti
You can't predict the outcome. You can't raise a child and then tell them what to think. Aimee Bender
Human making is our mission. Abhijit Naskar
Some battles take more than one ninja to win. Anna M. Aquino
If you are a worrywart you can't be a ninja. You can't rise up and fight when the weight of the world is pressing you down. Your family needs you to be sane and not bogged down in fear. Anna M. Aquino
Ninja faith stands. It is not shaken when things seem contrary to what one expects. Ninja faith chooses to believe the truth. Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's can't be all their called to be, if their so stressed out about how their going to pay their Mastercard bill Anna M. Aquino
Ninja mom's understand that life is a balancing act, and in order to keep the balance they have to learn to enjoy the moment! Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's know that God has never left them! Anna M. Aquino
To be a ninja Mom you have to be cool with yourself. Anna M. Aquino
Ninja mom's understand that training time is never wasted time. Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's are graced to finish the raise set before them! Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's have to learn that when they mess up, they get right back up again. Anna M. Aquino
You are a victorious ninja because God created you that way! Anna M. Aquino
Ninja's understand that training time is never wasted time. Anna M. Aquino
She was deemed an unfit mother, in spite of the fact that she goes to the gym every day, ' Hal once told me.. ..Beautiful people are often forgiven for many things--and maybe she's gotten through life that way, but I don't forgive her for anything--and I don't even know what awful things she's done other than showing a lack of parental fitness. Neal Shusterman
I know he's a good baby... but the challenge is to raise him into a good boy, then a good man. Sarah Addison Allen
Every parent is an artist, but not every artist is apparent. Eric Michael Leventhal
From my new release Cry for MeThis is Mrs. Hazelton speaking to Maria"...emotions have no color, no culture, knows no prejudice and can hardly be controlled, so in trying to raise children we need all the help and resources available to us .. . Toni Mariani
You can't make me be nice. You can't make me be good. You can't make me be Richelle E. Goodrich
What is more powerful than the love of a mother? Perhaps only God's hand in answering her earnest pleadings on your behalf. Richelle E. Goodrich
Let's raise children who won't have to recover from their childhoods. Pam Leo
There is nothing more pathetically sad than a parent who teaches a child not to hit by spanking them. Well, that, and adults who think hitting someone will solve a problem. Anitra Lynn McLeod
My mom raised me as if there were no limitations on where I could go or what I could do. When I look back I realize she raised me like a white kid - not white culturally, but in the sense of believing that the world was my oyster, that I should speak up for myself, that my ideas and thoughts and decisions mattered. Trevor Noah
The best words of wisdom that a parent can say to their child is "I Am proud of you". Unarine Ramaru
Mom always said people worried too much about their children. Suffering when you're young is good for you, she said. It immunized your body and your soul, and that was why she ignored us kids when we cried. Fussing over children who cry only encouraged them, she told us. That's positive reinforcement for negative behavior. Jeannette Walls
If I had received good instruction as a child I would be with my family today and at peace with my neighbors. I hope and pray that all you parents in the sound of my voice will train up your children in the way they should go. Charles Portis
How to advise parents for being successful in raising children stillremains an important unsolved problem. Eraldo Banovac
Children are taught to look down on their nurses (nannies), to treat them as mere servants. When their task is completed the child is withdrawn or the nurse is dismissed. Her visits to her foster-child are discouraged by a cold reception. After a few years the child never sees her again. The mother expects to take her place, and to repair by her cruelty the results of her own neglect. But she is greatly mistaken; she is making an ungrateful foster-child, not an affectionate son; she is teaching him ingratitude, and she is preparing him to despise at a later day the mother who bore him, as he now despises his nurse. JeanJacques Rousseau
Raising a child whether yours or not, is being anointed by God to be the guardian of his Kingdom in a form of a child. Unarine Ramaru
You raise them half-decent, and they grow up and leave. They move to Miami or California-- someplace with gourmet groceries and nude beaches because you've reared them to cook good and be liberal minded. It's just the opposite with your failures-- them kids stick to your tail like a cocklebur. You'd think it would be the other way around, but it's not. No matter how old I get, this will always amaze me. Michael Lee West