3 Quotes & Sayings By Anastasia Lily

Anastasia Lily is an author and creator of the blog, The Modern Art of Charm. Anastasia is a best-selling author, award-winning public speaker, and the inspiration behind the #1 bestselling book, The Art of Charm: The Natural Style Guide to Social Success. Her passion for social success and personal development has made her one of the most sought after speakers in the world today. Anastasia has been featured on CNBC, Fox News, The Dr Drew Show, Real Simple Magazine, Real Simple Living Magazine, Refinery29, Entrepreneur Magazine and more.

Whether you love Bach or would rather listen to a composition produced by Kulitta Software, Bach has and will continue to demand the we approach and answer the question, 'what is the art, science and language of music? Anastasia Lily
Bach's simple and basic themes ultimately engage and appeal to my adolescent side while the seemingly complex arrangements, though perhaps patronizingly in some cases, also reflect my juvenile perception of what looks and sounds 'grown-up, ' intelligent, refined and sophisticated. There were few composers and musicians in my youth that I could say understood me and really got me, almost all were classical. J. S. Bach was one one of them. Anastasia Lily