3 Quotes & Sayings By Amelia Lefay

Amelia LeFay is a well-known educator, published author, and international speaker. Amelia is the founder of the Performing Arts Academy in Los Angeles. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Education from California State University, Long Beach in 1991. She continued her education at the University of Southern California, where she received her Master's in Education in 1997 Read more

The Performing Arts Academy has been teaching children the art of performing since 1998. The Academy offers summer camps in Los Angeles and New York for children ages 3 through age 18, with a focus on the development of self-esteem and confidence through performing arts training. They also conduct enrichment programs in New York City during the school year for students ages 6 through 18, including their All-Star Performing School program for students ages 7 to 18, which is focused on character development and leadership training.

Most of us live our whole lives without having an adventure to call our own. What is any life without the pursuit of a dream? Amelia LeFay
I try to do what makes me happy and safe. Everyone who judges does so from the outside. They don´t help me pay my bills, they don´t come to feed me when I´m sick. Why live for people who don´t care about us unless I´m living in a way they approve of? Amelia LeFay