3 Quotes & Sayings By Allen Steele

Allen Steele is the author of ten novels, four collections of short stories, and four novellas. He is also the editor of two anthologies, The Charge of the Tin Foil Brigade and The Best New Stories from The Atlantic. His collected stories, The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2013, was nominated for a Hugo Award. His short stories have appeared in over thirty publications, including Asimov's Science Fiction, Clarkesworld Magazine, Lightspeed Magazine, Nature, The New York Times, The Paris Review, Parnassus Magazine, Playboy Magazine, Strange Horizons, and Tor.com Read more

He won the Hugo Award in 2009 for his novella "The Ballad of Black Tom".

Freedom does that to people, he realizes. Once you've tasted...
Freedom does that to people, he realizes. Once you've tasted it, ou never want to let go. Allen Steele
There's a difference between religion and faith, " Chandi said, "Religion means you've accepted a set of beliefs even if those beliefs would appear to be irrational to anyone who doesn't buy into them. Faith means you've chosen to accept something that you've given yourself the chance to question. Allen Steele