3 Quotes & Sayings By Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming is best known for the discovery of penicillin in 1928, but he was also a renowned bacteriologist who made many major contributions to science. He was a professor of bacteriology at St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London. During the Second World War, he used his knowledge of bacteria to help Britain fight a series of devastating epidemics.

It has been demonstrated that a species of penicillium produces in culture a very powerful antibacterial substance which affects different bacteria in different degrees. Generally speaking it may be said that the least sensitive bacteria are the Gram-negative bacilli, and the most susceptible are the pyogenic cocci .. In addition to its possible use in the treatment of bacterial infections penicillin is certainly useful.. for its power of inhibiting unwanted microbes in bacterial cultures so that penicillin insensitive bacteria can readily be isolated. . Alexander Fleming
I have been trying to point out that in our lives chance may have an astonishing influence and, if I may offer advice to the young laboratory worker, it would be this - never to neglect an extraordinary appearance or happening. Alexander Fleming