5 Quotes & Sayings By Albert J Lachance

Albert J. LaChance, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Educational Administration at the University of Southern Mississippi, where he taught in the Department of Educational Administration from 1976 until 1995. He received his B.S. in Education from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte and his M.Ed Read more

and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Southern Mississippi. He is a current member of the Executive Committee for the International Society for Educational Management (ISEM).

In these writings, and in all my teaching work, I continue to ask the question, “What about the children? Albert J. LaChance
Why does our world feel so very crazy? Why do mental and emotional illnesses emerge more rapidly than we can educate psychiatrists, psychologists, addiction specialists, and mental health counselors to diagnose and treat them? We are marinating in the soup of collective madness, cruelty, selfishness, and lies, the soup of spiritual toxicity. Albert J. LaChance
Ultimately, we are much more addicted than the junkie because we are responsible for not only our own demise, but the breakdown of the entire natural world. There is no other appropriate response to a situation this grave, this utterly overwhelming, than powerlessness. It has taken countless generations to arrive in this predicament; a solution cannot arise overnight. It will take work. It will take time. Albert J. LaChance
Reflecting on this, Albert LaChance recognized an opportunity–what if the work he and so many others found so fruitful in the 12-Step recovery programs could be expanded to an ecological, a global, or even a cosmic level? Albert J. LaChance