5 Quotes & Sayings By Adrianne Ambrose

Adrianne Ambrose is a retired professional wrestler, currently serving as the creative director for the creative department at WWE. She is also an actress and writer and has appeared in films such as "Zookeeper," "Taken," and "Zombieland."

I noticed Xander had subtly adjusted his posture. He slouched slightly to the side, let his head hang, and then looked up through his bangs to gaze at something in the middle distance. Uber James Dean. Xander managed to pull it off as if he was looking at nothing, just having deep thoughts about the far away adventures he would be having if he wasn’t stuck waiting for a flowered suitcase at Hopkins International. I casually let my eyes slide across the room. There had to be cute girls somewhere close at hand. Otherwise Xander wouldn’t have broken out his middle distance gazing Tyrone Power eyes. . Adrianne Ambrose
Some people fight fire with fire. I've found water to be more effective. Adrianne Ambrose
I don't believe in virgin sacrifice. It encourages promiscuity at an early age Adrianne Ambrose
Meeting a vampire is kind of like a celebrity sighting, but where the celebrity possibly wants to kill you. Adrianne Ambrose