3 Quotes & Sayings By Adam L Feldman

Adam L. Feldman is the author of five novels, including his latest, The Plight of the Living Dead (published in February 2012 by William Morrow). Adam's writing has appeared in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Esquire, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, The New York Times Book Review, and elsewhere. He is a contributing editor at The New York Times Magazine and the founding editor of the literary magazine Tin House Read more

He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two children.

This is what you do when you journal. You are recording God’s grand, epoch-spanning redemptive story as it unfolds in your limited, temporal sphere of existence here on earth. Your journal has the potential to record the continuation of the Holy Spirit’s work in our world! Adam L. Feldman
When Jesus put on flesh, He made human existence “sacred.” Thus, when you are inhabited by Jesus through His Holy Spirit, your life takes on the “sacred” characteristic as well. This does not mean that you become God or incapable of sinning like Jesus was in His incarnation. However, it does mean that something is qualitatively different about you at the core. Adam L. Feldman