3 Quotes & Sayings By Ace Boggess

Ace Boggess is the author of three bestselling novels, The Wedding Planner, The Wedding Planner 2: The Baby Planner, and The Wedding Planner 3: A No-Nonsense Plan for the Newlyweds; as well as The Book of Wedding Dresses, which was named by the New York Times as one of the "Best Books of the Year" in 2010. Her novel, The Wedding Dress Diaries, was released in 2013 and became an instant bestseller. Ace's first book, titled Working It Out: A Positive Approach to Finding Balance in Your Life, was also published in 2013.

There are basically three types of songs: loved songs, unloved songs, and transitional songs written by tired people in between the two. Love songs are cheesy, unloved songs are depressing, and transitional songs are poetry. Transitions catch the world on fire, touching on relevant topics while speaking with giddiness and despair of the lover between. Ace Boggess
These friendly eyes, these lustful eyes, these hopeless, sad, dispirited eyes, these energetic amber eyes needing no escape, these serpent's eyes, cat's eyes, sorcerer's eyes, the eyes of future family men, funeral directors, and unsuspecting officers of the law, the mischievous eyes of plotters and planners, soon-to-be soldiers, or underworld attorneys on retainer, the eyes of maniacs and fanatics, hipsters and wallflowers, dreamers and the object of dreams, I gazed into them all and knew that they were human eyes, each pair offering insight toward a new tomorrow. Ace Boggess