19 Quotes About Your True Destiny

While there are many external factors that cause the loss of a dream, sometimes all it takes is a change in perspective or a better understanding of a person’s true destiny. As we grow and learn, we realize that our dreams aren’t as far-fetched as we once thought. We need to make sure those dreams are realistic. Here are some of the best quotes about your true destiny to help you visualize what life could be like if you follow your dreams to the end.

Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify the...
Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify the barriers in your life, and develop discipline, courage and the strength to permanently move beyond them, and keep moving forward. Germany Kent
Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to...
Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality. Germany Kent
Your true destiny is desperately waiting on you to start thinking, acting, and walking with faith and courage. Unknown
Do not live because of the fear of death. Live because of the fear of the death of the real reason why you live. Death is no respecter of persons. Death can come when we have not even given him our attention. Death doesn't mind that you are in tension and even when you in the mid of doing something at his arrival, you shall go with nothing. The most important thing to death is to take you at a sudden. Mind your time then! Mind your true purpose! And mind the real reasons why you wake up each day and retire when the sun sets! Life is once, live it well!. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The land of victory is desperately waiting on your arrival, and your destiny demands that you never let your fears and doubts turn you into a failure. Unknown
Everything remains the same if your thought pattern stays unchanged. For any permanent positive change to happen in your life, you MUST first change yourself on the inside. Start paying close attention to your daily thoughts, so that you could be able to detect, challenge, and replace any of them that speaks against your true destiny. Unknown
Your true destiny on earth will always be greater than your best positive imagination of your future. Unknown
You can never experience a major positive change in your life without controlling your mind to work in favor of your destiny. Unknown
If you direct your beliefs and thoughts to always work in your favor, nothing else from the outside would succeed in dethroning you from the throne of your God's given destiny. Unknown
Your God's given destiny can only become inevitable if you refuse to go against its manifestation with your frequent thoughts, decisions and actions. Unknown
Let the greatness in you shine by occupying your daily life with decisions and actions that are in favor of your God's given destiny. Unknown
Isn't it time for you to stop your fears and doubts from standing in-between you and your true destiny in life? Unknown
There is definitely more left in you than what those negative thoughts are forcing you to believe. Quitting on yourself should never be an option in your life. Success is your true destiny Keep pushing until something very rewarding happens. Unknown
Strive to continuously embrace bigger and better blessings by refusing to allow your thoughts and beliefs to stand against you and your true destiny on earth. Unknown
Thinking small will never take you to your true destiny in life. Unknown
If the Lord is for you, which He unquestionably is, who else other than yourself would dare to stop you from proclaiming your true destiny? Unknown
Your true destiny always calls for you to never permit the fear of the unknown to force you into settling for less. Unknown
There is always a priceless feeling that comes with going to sleep at night knowing that you did your very best on the tasks that you set for the day. Fears, doubts, and procrastinations are the enemies of your true destiny. Unknown