5 Quotes About Wow Moment

It’s a duress I’ll never regret succumbing to, ” he murmured as his hands caressed the soft skin of her shoulders. “It gave me you. I never thought I could love someone so much that I’d be willing to let them go to keep them safe. Monica Burns
I love you! ” he bellowed at me and his eyes turned black. “Happy now? I love you, okay? I love youso fucking much that it hurts! It’s driving me insane! I loved you from the moment I saw you doingyour Miss Marple impression in those woods back at The Ragged Cove. But I could tell you weresweet on Luke and hey, why not? He’s the good-looking one, right? I mean, I’m just the hired muscle. I’m the one who gets everyone else out of the shit. But I couldn’t help my feelings, I’d never felt likethat before. So yeah, okay I stole a kiss from you in the gatehouse — big fucking deal! But you knowwhat? That was the biggest mistake of my life, because that one kiss from you drove me out of my tinyfreaking mind! So, I’m sorry if I give the boy a hard time and ain’t too gentle with the girl, but I’m notgoing to sit back and watch you risk your life just so you can blow their noses and wipe their arses! ” I looked at Potter and he seemed almost out of breath after his rant. Once he had finished, he put outhis cigarette and lit another one. Standing, I looked at him and said, “Potter, I had no idea…”“ Ah, forget it, ” he said, waving me away with his hand. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Besides, I’llbe moving out at first light in search of Luke. Once I’ve rescued him, I’ll bring him to you in TheHollows and you won’t have to see me again. Tim ORourke
In all areas of your life, look for the multiplier opportunities where you can go a little further, push yourself a little harder, last a little longer, prepare a little better, and deliver a little bit more. Where can you do better and more than expected? When can you do the totally unexpected? Find as many opportunities for 'WOW, ' and the level and speed of your accomplishments will astonish you.. and everyone else around you. Darren Hardy
While you’re alive there’s no time for minor amazements. Alice Fulton