5 Quotes About Word Association

Word association questions are an easy and fun way to start a conversation and learn about someone else. The trick is to come up with a list of words that you wouldn’t normally associate together. For example, if you asked someone what kind of foods they enjoyed eating, you might get answers like “meatball” and “vegetables.” Throw in some personality traits, and you turn what could be a boring question into a fun way to get to know someone.

Sensitive, " I tried. Sam translated: "Squishy.""Creative.""Dangerously emo."" Thoughtful."" Feng shui." out of 'thoughtful'?""You know, because in feng shui, you arrange furniture and plants and stuff in thoughtful ways." Sam shrugged. "To make you calm. Zenlike. Or something. I'm not one hundred percent sure how it all works, besides the thoughtful part. Maggie Stiefvater
He showed the words “chocolate cake” to a group of Americans and recorded their word associations. “Guilt” was the top response. If that strikes you as unexceptional, consider the response of French eaters to the same prompt: “celebration. Michael Pollan
The teacher is a catalyst to convert information from a high energy state (list of facts) to a low energy state (visual concept associated with known concepts). Peter Rogers
Everything is, the way it is, for a reason. Or it isn't. Or neither. Or both. It's so hard to tell. It's so hard to tell you're a mile away by the Luke in your eye. Alistair McHarg