10 Quotes About Western Romantic Suspense

The western-romantic-suspense genre of romantic suspense is a subgenre of the mystery thriller genre, characterized by its setting in the American Old West. It might also include elements of other subgenres like the Western and the romantic comedy. The genre is typically set in a place and time prior to and during the time of America's westward expansion (1880s to the early 1900s), and usually features an attractive, virile hero and a strong, capable heroine.

The past is just that.
The past is just that. B.J. Daniels
Sometime during high school he’d gotten .. . kind of .. . beautiful, and Harper found it easier to not look directly at him. When she did, it did strange things to her, making her voice high and her cheeks burn. So she only ever really looked at him out of the corner of her eyes, like one would look at a solar eclipse. Summer Hines
Every woman wants a cowboy. B.J. Daniels
She shot him a look she thought he might still remember, the same one a rattler gives right before it strikes. B.J. Daniels
Hud? Back here? Oh, man, what a birthday present, " Hilde said, giving her another hug. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I can imagine what seeing him again did to you." " I still want to kill him, " Dana whispered. " Not on your birthday." Hilde frowned. B.J. Daniels
The motorcycle’s headlights cut through the darkness. Ahead the road was nothing but a black hole. She roared toward it. B.J. Daniels
Giving him a wry look, Shiloh said, “I think you’re forcing me to look at myself, what I want, who I am.” “ Good relationships always do that for both people, Darlin’. It’s just a natural progression between them. It can bring out our self-awareness. It’s not easy. But it’s rewarding. Lindsay McKenna
The lush greenness of the pastures infused Shiloh. Overhead, she saw a red-tailed hawk flying in higher and higher circles in the sky. There were bluebirds everywhere, many of them sitting on fence posts. When they took off, that flash of brilliant blue always made her gasp with delight; it was almost an unearthly gorgeous color. Lindsay McKenna
She took his finger and placed a small kiss on the end of it. “You’re just full of surprises, Taggart.” She saw him give her a very pleased male smile. “ Stick around, Darlin’, there’s more to me than meets your eyes.” “ Should I be afraid? Lindsay McKenna