7 Quotes About We-Are-The-Ant

We have a tendency to want to be different from other ants. Instead of just being the ant, we want to be the one who thinks and does things differently from everyone else. It could be that we want to be special or that we just don’t want to be like everyone else. In either case, these quotes about being an ant are perfect for those who have a hard time getting out of their own way.

We remember the past, live in the present, and write...
We remember the past, live in the present, and write the future. Shaun David Hutchinson
Dreams are hopeful because they exist as pure possibility. Unlike...
Dreams are hopeful because they exist as pure possibility. Unlike memories, which are fossils, long dead and buried deep. Shaun David Hutchinson
That's the problem with memories: you can visit them, but...
That's the problem with memories: you can visit them, but you can't live in them. Shaun David Hutchinson
Because you can only die once but you can suffer...
Because you can only die once but you can suffer forever. Shaun David Hutchinson
There's an amazing world out there for you to discover, Henry Denton, but you have to be willing to discover yourself first. Shaun David Hutchinson
Your entire sense of self-worth is predicated upon your belief that you matter, that you matter to the universe. But you don't. Because we are the ants. Shaun David Hutchinson