4 Quotes About Viorel Muha

In his best-selling book, The Power of Now , Eckhart Tolle shares the following quotes from the ancient Greek philosopher, Epictetus: “The things that happen to us are not the causes of our unhappiness, but only its effects. We are unhappy because we attach ourselves to them. Only by freeing ourselves from this attachment can we find peace and happiness” – Epictetus “When you have no wish for anything, you have no fear of anything either. You have no problems” – Epictetus “It is as impossible for a person who has lost his freedom to regain it as it would be impossible for a person who has been thrown into chains to regain his freedom” – Epictetus “Our minds are actually unlimited, they can expand endlessly Read more

But we stop expanding when we allow ourselves to become identified with our thoughts and feelings” – Epictetus “When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? And most importantly… Why am I doing it?” – Epictetus

The word is the beginning and silence the end. Between...
The word is the beginning and silence the end. Between word and silence, we exist. Viorel Muha
The cry of true love which is abandoned, is like...
The cry of true love which is abandoned, is like the scream of the bird when it dies! Viorel Muha
Look up to know you got up from below! Viorel Muha
We sleep with dream, fantasy and hope, but we always get up with reality. Viorel Muha
Children from all over the world have the same religion, childhood! Viorel Muha