18 Quotes About Vida

We all have moments of self-doubt, but there's no better time to learn from those who have gone before us. So whether you're feeling low, bored, or lost, you can always turn to the wise words of those who have walked this earth. The following quotes on life are some of the best life quotes that will guide you every day of your life.

Creo que todos tenemos un poco de esa bella locura...
Creo que todos tenemos un poco de esa bella locura que nos mantiene andando cuando todo alrededor es tan insanamente cuerdo. Unknown
What happiness? Here we have a kind of what they call a multiple choice question. Like any difficult question, let's go through elimination. Happiness is not really about having a good job, but obviously it's not about getting available in the market. It's not in the new car, but it's not about relying on public transport either. She is not in the college diploma, but not is in not having the opportunity to study. It is not in being better than others in some activity, but neither is it in not being good at anything. It is not in the accumulation of capital, but it is not in dependence on the state. In fact, happiness is not even happiness. Happiness is moment. Being with the one you love. Conquer what you want. But pass. Not everything you have seems to be exactly what you wanted. Nothing is eternal. Do you see grace in the eternal? Grace, that all things tend to lose after some time. Our standard of living is transformed. We note then that the happiness that everyone asks themselves is what they call "the meaning of life, " that which flows a good way of living. The good way to live that may or may not be eternal. But in the long run it is that state of mind that the glass is half full. It is the result of the counterpart of the onus of the fascinating existential singularity. The question then is not what it is, but how it is. How to achieve. It's part of something. Have recognition. Get answers. All in all. To make things part of you. To recognize what you have. To valuing each achievement. It is action and reaction. It's a verb. Understand that we come into the world in the same way we will leave it: without being able to carry anything, but to leave. In this moment, as well as the good way of living, we transform doubt. Now the question is "what has it left"? What is your contribution to the world? We have a beginning: be guided by what you can do to make the world better than you have found. We have a beginning .. the rest .. it's up to you. . Unknown
The Art of Muses is the Bridge of Feeling. Unknown
Valuing your LIFE, what do you believe in? In the destination or in YOU? Unknown
Although complex, life is simple. It is individual. Living is the challenge. It is interactive. It's collective. Unknown
Yes, well”–he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose delicately–“the burner phone we had accidentally fell out of the car, and someone accidentally backed over it. Because someone was in a rush after she accidentally alerted some skip tracers we were nearby when she accidentally used her abilities to move a light pole out of the road after she had accidentally backed into it.”“ Someone better shut their mouth before I accidentally slam my fist into their teeth.” She punched his shoulder, and it was almost..playful.“ Shut his mouth, fist into his teeth.”“ Really? A grammar lesson? . Alexandra Bracken
Just shut up and start sucking each other's faces already, " Vida grumbled, leaning awkwardly against the stump. She would never admit it aloud, but I knew the burns on her back her eating her alive with pain. "I'm trying to make up for the sleep I lost when you started screeching at each other like cats in heat."" Miss Vida, " Liam said, "has anyone ever told you that you are positively the whipped cream on the sundae of life?" She glared at him. "Anyone ever told you your head is shaped like a pencil?"" That is physically impossible, " Chubs groused. "He'd be--"" Actually, " Liam began, "Cole once did try to-- What?""Oh, I'm sorry, " Chub said, "apparently the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours. Do continue."" I'm going to guess you probably don't want to hear about the time he pushed my head through the neighbours fence.."" Was there a lot of blood?" Vida asked, suddenly interested. "Did you lose an ear?" Liam held his hands up next to his ears, indicating both were firmly attached to his skull." Then, no" she said. "No one wants to hear your boring-ass story. Alexandra Bracken
If she's not alright, I'm going to rip out his heart and eat it." I nodded. "You really shouldn't eat raw meat, " Chubs said. Alexandra Bracken
Hey Boo, I'm in this now, too, & I got a lot of experience playing assholes like they're fucking harps. You need backup, I got you. Stop trying to convince yourself that you're in this alone. Alexandra Bracken
Are you driving this slow because you have no idea where we're going, or because you're hoping we jump out of the car & put ourselves out of our misery? Alexandra Bracken
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be up for hearing about the one-eyed chick, " Vida said with a shrug. "You are atually the worst person I have ever met, " Chubs said. "And people like you are the reason we have middle fingers. Alexandra Bracken
I was looped in on your little romantic quest. The only way to get me out without it looking suspicious was to suggest that I come after you dumb asses, since I supposedly know your crappy personality so well. Alexandra Bracken
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be up for hearing about the one-eyed chick Alexandra Bracken
Also, screw you–maybe you can be all stealthy and break into their building to get the woman out, but I can getus there and back safely. I did this for months and never got a second glance from anyone, including PSFs.”“Probably because your ugly-ass face blinded them on the first look, ” she muttered. Alexandra Bracken
Miss Vida" Liam said "has anyone never told you that you are positively the whipped cream on the sundae of life?" She glared at him." Anyone ever told you your head is shaped like a pencil?"" That is physically impossible, " Chubs groused." He'd be__"" Actually Liam began, "Cole once did try to__ What?""Oh, I'm sorry, " Chubs said, "apparently the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours. Do continue. Alexandra Bracken
I felt the familiar warm tingling at the center of my chest and had just enough time to gasp as some invisible hand yanked me forward, smacking my forehead against the dashboard with enough force to stun me dumb. Chubs slammed on the brakes, forcing my seat belt to do its job and lock against my chest. I was thrown back into my seat, an explosion of colors bursting in my vision. "Oh, hell no! " Chubs roared, slamming a hand against the steering wheel. "That's it! We don not use our abilities on one another, goddammit! Behave yourself! . Alexandra Bracken
I guess after a certain age, things change and those things or people or friendships that happen in movies, just don't happen in real life. Alberto Fuguet