12 Quotes About Vampire-Kiss

I want a relationship I can finally sink my teeth into." -Alexander Sterling Ellen Schreiber
With painstaking rumination, the tips of his fingers grazed over my neck, a deafening silence. I didn't move as his hand paused at the base of my throat. He listened to the arrhythmic beating of my heart, my pulse thumping beneath his fingers. He kissed me along my neckline and throat. I almost burst apart from the longing. My blood burned for him. Rae Hachton
Raven: "Don't you notice that?" Alexander: "Notice what?" Raven: "The girls?" Alexander: "What girls?" Raven: "Hello! You were worried about bringing me to a bar when all along I should have been concerned about bringing you." Alexander: "I don't know what you are talking about." Raven: "The girls are drooling all over you! " Alexander: "Well, there is only one girl I want to be with and she's right here. Ellen Schreiber
Aunt Libby: "I think I'm getting married! I've been dying to tell you." Raven: "You are? Congrats! Dad didn't mention..." Aunt Libby: "Well, okay, it's not official or anything. In fact, we haven't officially gone out yet. I just met him last night. Ellen Schreiber
Raven: "You don't have a hot date, do you?" Alexander: "Yes. I do, as a matter of fact." Raven: "You do?" Alexander: "Yes, and it is almost ending. Ellen Schreiber
I'm not through with you yet. Are you prepared to accept your punishment?" I nodded reluctantly. I wasn't sure what a vampire's punishment might be. But I was ready to find out." I sentence you to a thousand kisses, " he said. "Can I begin now? Ellen Schreiber
This club is for members only. But once you join, membership lasts for an eternity. Ellen Schreiber
I hope you enjoyed your visit. You never know. You may want to join forever. Ellen Schreiber
I'll give you something to remember ME by... The back of my head! Ellen Schreiber
I think I might have to place you under arrest for trespassing. But I always go easy on pretty girls who confess. Ellen Schreiber
Nico then leaned into Katty, and kissed her. He kissed her with every ounce of Vampire strength, pressing his lips forward into hers, feeling her slight breath and her soft lips touch against his with the heat of a hot fire. He kissed her while holding her face close to his, his fingers spreading against the width of her delicate cheeks. Katty closed her eyes and took the kiss all in, feeling such a kiss make her feel so dizzy, so weak. So lightheaded. It was as if she was being kissed for the very first time. It was a kiss that took all her resistance away, all her fear, but gave her an existence that she never possibly knew. Within a few moments, Nico pulled away, unleashing the kiss from its endurance. Keira D. Skye