30 Quotes About Romantic Fantasy

There are few things better than walking in the clouds. Why? Because when you are walking in the clouds, you are not walking on the ground, but in them. And that’s what makes them worth walking in. You can go anywhere you want to because there is no ground under you Read more

The only ground is in the clouds. Very wise words indeed! If you can’t find the person you want to be with, then make one up. There will always be someone who will welcome your imaginary character, so why not meet someone attractive and fun? Just because it’s an indivudual’s fantasy doesn’t mean it’s not real. You are never too old to set another goal or dream. While age has its disadvantages, it also means that your wisdom is greater than that of young adults.

If you feel stuck or just need a little inspiration, pick up one of these motivational quotes about being over 40 to help get your life moving again!

She's magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless...
She's magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless desert. Anne Bishop
Tangled Moon ~ Sometimes you have to break the rules....
Tangled Moon ~ Sometimes you have to break the rules. Sometimes you have to let go of the past. And sometimes you have to accept the impossible. Olivia Stocum
*I don't want the body, * she whimpered. *It hurts.** Not always, sweetheart. Not always. Without the body, how will you hear a bird's song? How will you feel a warm summer rain on your skin? How will you taste nutcakes? How will you walk on a beach at sunset and feel the sand and surf under your... hooves?* Anne Bishop
Why?"He stopped pacing and looked at her as if she'd just asked him to count every leaf on every tree in the Old Place. "Because... you're you. Anne Bishop
He had a hungry look in his eyes and it frightened her. Kassandra Cross
It was Jaenelle's voice, but.. She was medium height, slender, and fair-skinned. Her gold mane--not quite hair and not quite fur--was brushed up and back from her exotic face and didn't hide the delicately pointed ears. In the center of her forehead was a tiny, spiral horn. A narrow strip of gold fur traced her spine, ending in a small gold and white fawn tail that flicked over her bare buttocks. The legs were human and shapely, but changed below the calf. Instead of feet, she had dainty horse's hooves. Her human hands had sheathed claws like a cat's. As she shifted position to slip another shard into place, he saw the small, round breasts, the feminine curve of waist and hips, the dark-gold triangle of hair between her legs. Who..? But he knew. Even before she walked over and looked at him, even before he saw the feral intelligence in those ancient, haunted sapphire eyes, he knew. Terrifying and beautiful. Human and Other. Gentle and violent. Innocent and wise.* I am Witch, * she said, a small, defiant quiver in her voice.* I know.* His voice had a seductive throb in it, a hunger he couldn't control or mask. Anne Bishop
You know what?” he whispered, out of breath, “You’re about to be in a whole lot of trouble. We probably better go. Laney Smith
But for a long time, and probably far too long, I had a secret wish: the adolescently romantic idea that there was someone out there for me; someone I hadn't met yet who would ask me on a date and make sense of my life. I harbored the hope, I'm now embarrassed to admit, that like a girl in a Lifetime movie, I would look into someone's eyes and find a reflection of my inner life. But sometime between my teenage years and the first years in New York, that idea had pretty well evaporated. I'd grown up. . Diane Meier
I don’t know who those other people are and what they did to you, but I’m not one of them, ” I whispered, on the verge of tears. (Molly)“You are. You just don’t know yet.” (Victor) A.B. Whelan
What pleasure is there in life without beauty?" Dulcie slid a silken blue fold down so her right hip bone showed, and nodded with approval. " Beauty won't fill your belly or keep you warm." Dulcie chuckled. "You might be surprised. Susan Scott
Her people, the Half-Lights, were the by-blows of the full-blood Magicians and humans. As such, they were outcasts from both kingdoms. Their magic was too unpredictable for the magicians, and too magic - period - for the humans. Susan Scott
Before she could touch him, he stepped back. "I've no need of a human." " Half- Light, " she corrected, still meeting his gaze in the surface. "I've no need of a dragon magician. Susan Scott
The dragon marking rested, his fangs concealed and his eyes shut. " Your dragon is pleased, " she said. " Indeed, he is. Susan Scott
There’s no way to stand up gracefully when your pants are down around your ankles. Kathy Bryson
You tell me the dead are coming through a crack in my barn, but I shouldn’t worry? Kathy Bryson
I missed the good old days when phones were sturdy enough to be pounded for emphasis. Kathy Bryson
This was going to be worse than the time I table danced in the diner in high school! Kathy Bryson
Banks frown when employees torch the home of their principal account holder. Kathy Bryson
I knew I would lose my job when I accidentally set fire to my best friend’s house. Kathy Bryson
This house has enough nooks and crannies for English muffins. Kathy Bryson
Turns out there’s a reason smoking is not allowed on construction sites. Kathy Bryson
You pretty much have to take the job since you hit him with the car. Kathy Bryson
Maybe you’re worried that I won’t seduce you? Kathy Bryson
Elvis is the soul of discretion. Kathy Bryson
Elvis is in the kitchen and he’s making eggs Benedict! Kathy Bryson
I’ve worked with freshmen that were easier than this. Kathy Bryson
I am not going to ask that old man if his family home is haunted! Kathy Bryson
He thinks you were trapped in a tree in the 1920s. How is that not crazy? Kathy Bryson
I was torn apart. But you, my knight, you found all the pieces and put me back together. Juliette Cross