6 Quotes About Undeserving

Many of us think we don’t deserve to be happy, or that we don’t deserve to be loved. Having a negative attitude about our own lives and the lives of others is a common pitfall for people who feel unloved and unaccepted. We all deserve to be happy and loved. It’s really that simple — we just need to know that we deserve it and we can gain that knowledge by reading these quotes about undeserving.

Self-righteousness is much like a spiritual egocentricity. It constitutes a secular type of love that thrives under conditionality, one in which is only existent after an individual meets the adopted standards of the condemner; oppositely, unconditional love is a holy love. Criss Jami
Love may be harder to find in some people, but...
Love may be harder to find in some people, but when they do love you know it must be something marvelous. Criss Jami
Jesus came to give his righteousness not to condemn the unrighteous. Mac Canoza
Forgiveness is most Christlike when it is given to the undeserving. Jim George
Sometimes we pray earnestly, other times we only make a slight mention of a thing and with great expectation, we await the answers to our request. Yet, we are blown away at the fulfillment of the very thing for which we pulled on heaven. You know why? In those moments we see the magnanimity of GOD's unfailing mercy to undeserving men like us. TemitOpe Ibrahim