5 Quotes About True Pretense

Sometimes, our dreams are fleeting. We tell ourselves that we’d love to be a writer, artist, actor, or musician, but life isn’t always so kind. It’s easy to get down on ourselves when the reality of our situation gets in the way of our dreams. But no matter how much we may try to tell ourselves otherwise, there is something magical about believing in ourselves and knowing that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to Read more

And the best part is that our true-pretenses quotes are here to remind you that you can do just that!

She was the kind of art that was so valuable...
She was the kind of art that was so valuable it wasn't even for sale, and she smiled when she saw Ash. His pulse jumped. Rose Lerner
You might forget, ' he said. 'You can't hold on to a person when they're gone. You can't even hold on to people who are alive sometimes. I don't remember my mother's face. Not really. But I tell myself -- I'm still here. So much of who I am and what I do comes from her, I'm remembering her just by living. Every time I tilt my head or pick up a teacup the way she used to, that's a little bit of her still in the world. Rose Lerner
Learning that he was a professional swindler should have made her shame a hundred times worse. Instead, it took the sting out of it. The whole affair was disgusting, and she was unwise to have trusted him, but she had been one of many victims. She wouldn't stand out in his mind as more foolish than other women. What a strange, vain thing the mind was. Rose Lerner
She nodded without conviction, wishing she could be so carefree, and not the sort of person for whom an unanswered letter gnawed away at the back of her mind. Nobody liked a stick-in-the-mud..but they liked all the things sticks-in-the-mud did for them, didn't they? They liked not having to worry because someone else, someone who couldn't sleep when she had left a duty unperformed, would make sure that nothing too terrible happened. Rose Lerner