3 Quotes About Transcription

There are many people who are in search of a transcription service. The need for transcription services is increasing day by day. People are in need of these services for various reasons. And people can’t afford to pay for the services of a transcriptionist Read more

But the good news is that there are online transcription services that offer an affordable solution to their clients. With the assistance of these online services, anyone can easily get in touch with the professional transcribers who will provide them with the best quality reports at the lowest rates.

I will raise up prophets to make conflicting pronouncements that inevitably will be garbled in transcription, resulting in mutually exclusive definitions of orthodoxy from which the open-minded will flee in dismay. Sheri S. Tepper
I intend to see that justice is done by presiding, in the manner of the omnipotent Walter Mitty, as chief justice of a tribunal trying the case of those plotting further advances for the Chinese characters on an international scale. Emulating the operatic Mikado's "object all sublime.. to let the punishment fit the crime, " I hand down the following dread decree: Anyone who believes Chinese characters to be a superior system of writing that can function as a universal script is condemned to complete the task of rendering the whole of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address into Singlish. John DeFrancis