4 Quotes About Tingling

Whether you are tingling because you are happy, tingling because you are sad, tingling because you are excited, tingling because you are anxious, tingling because you are touched, tingling because you are touched by someone else or tingling because of a chemical reaction in your body, they all have the same effect. It’s called tingling. Tingling is a feeling that can be triggered by many different things, whether they be the presence of something electrical in the air or your own emotions. It’s usually harmless but it can be very annoying if it’s happening too often Read more

These quotes about tingling will help to diffuse your annoyance with this sensation, if it’s bothering you.

You don’t annoy me.” Carefully he rebuttoned the placket of her shirt. “I thought you did, at first. But now I realize it was more like the feeling you get when your foot’s been asleep. And when you start moving, the blood coming back into it is uncomfortable. . but also good. Do you understand what I mean?”“ Yes. I make your feet tingle.” A smile came to his lips. “Among other things. Lisa Kleypas
Sometimes I hear Mark laugh, and some days in the car the right song will come on the satellite radio and I'll feel him there tingling like a phantom limb. Like he's sitting there next to me in the dark. But I know that's not so. And I know that when you die there's not even darkness, and I know Mark and me won't meet on some cloud or in some pit of fire. And I guess that's a good thing. I couldn't take those eyes seeing what's become of me, those eyes looking down at my hands and my chewed-up ragged nails. Jordan Harper
.. . there was a softness to Cash’s gaze that made her want to lean into it. It felt like being stroked with a paintbrush, all the way down her body, leaving everything tingling in its wake. Summer Hines