12 Quotes About Thrillers Mystery

Thrillers and mysteries can be thought of as a combination of crime and suspense fiction. They’re the perfect reading material when you want to relax and get lost in a story. The genre evolved in the early 20th century from a mix of different forms of literature, including gothic novels, detective fiction, and historical fiction. It quickly became popular with the advent of radio, film serials, and television Read more

Today, thrillers and mysteries are still published, produced, and performed by authors around the world. So whether you’re a fan or not, read on for some thrilling quotes about thrillers!

Shouldering the duffel bag with the Marine Corps bulldog, Old Man knocked Jan's photo off the bed table. He turned to stone staring down at the photo. His face then splintered into hurt. Tears seeped into his eyes. He grappled for the nearest bedpost and slumped forward on extended arms. His shoulders jerked and head sagged a little while his heart broke. Old Man cried the mute cry of men of his generation. . Ed Lynskey
Sometimes, it is wise to let people go without any...
Sometimes, it is wise to let people go without any complaints. If they are a part of our destiny, they will return after a couple of seasons. Till then, let them dwell in the pages of our memories. Purba Chakraborty
My mama always said, You can always ask. The worst they can do is say no. But I don’t think Mama was thinking about revenge and murder when she dealt out that piece of homespun advice Catrina Burgess
And to think I could be at home cleaning the cat box, " Esther Charlemagne said. "Watching for a Peeping Tom is so much better."~ Chapter 2 The Night Shadow by Cheri Vause Cheri Vause
The agony of man is always longer than the fleeting moments of bliss. The trick is to reverse those two. Ben Midland
Showing your compassion to another human takes less energy than hating him. Ben Midland
Religion is like wax. How anyone deals with it is decisive for how it will look like. Ben Midland
Words and laws in this world made place for signs and symbols. Ben Midland
To close a fellow human being in your heart compels more respect than attending 1000 Christmas Masses. Ben Midland
The blind cannot see, but nothing escapes him. The others can see but them eludes the things the blind can see. Ben Midland
The unknown is just as unknown as the ability to discover the known inside it. Ben Midland