7 Quotes About The Big Bang Theory

What exactly does that expression mean, 'friends with benefits'? Does he provide her with health insurance? Chuck Lorre
Is my coitus whimsically inventive? Chuck Lorre
An agnostic is a creature that is religiously skeptical whenever it is told that God exists … or that He doesn’t. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The laws of nature cannot be randomly reshuffled at the cusps [of an oscillating universe]. If the universe has already gone through many oscillations, many possible laws of gravity would have been so weak that, for any given initial expansion, the universe would not have held together. Once the universe stumbles upon such a gravitational law, it flies apart and has no further opportunity to experience another oscillation and another cusp and another set of laws of nature. Thus we can deduce from the fact that the universe exists either a finite age, or a severe restriction on the kinds of laws of nature permitted in each oscillation. If the laws of physics are not randomly reshuffled at the cusps, there must be a regularity, a set of rules, that determines which laws are permissible and which are not. Such a set of rules would comprise a new physics standing over the existing physics. Our language is impoverished; there seems to be no suitable name for such a new physics. Both 'paraphysics' and 'metaphysics' have been preempted by other rather different and, quite possibly, wholly irrelevant activities. Perhaps 'transphysics' would do. Carl Sagan
I won't say that all senior citizens who can't master technology should be publicly flogged, but if we made an example of one or two, it might give the others incentive to try harder. Chuck Lorre
For the record, I do have genitals; and they are functional and aesthetically pleasing. Chuck Lorre