17 Quotes About Thailand

You might think of Thailand as a place for people to relax on the beach but there is more to Thailand than that. The land of smiles is home to some of the best tourist attractions in the world. Stroll through temples, enjoy a massage, or visit a wildlife park with these great thailand quotes.

No need for Jesus and the Lord Buddha to fight
No need for Jesus and the Lord Buddha to fight Carol Hollinger
Money cannot buy you "HEALTH. Henry Johnson Jr
The monkey liked most humans. They left food cans outside their homes for his family to rummage through in the morningsun. Some yelled and threw sticks, but were slow and didn’t bite. Humans were mostly harmless. Cole Alpaugh
Meandering cows, tenacious bicyclers, belching taxis, rickshaws, fearless pedestrians and the occasional mobile ‘cigarette and sweets’ stand all fought our taxi for room on the narrow two-lane road turned local byway. Jennifer S. Alderson
I ended up in the back seat of a chicken truck’s cab heading through beautiful scenery and disastrous roads to my hotel. About an hour later, we stopped to sell a few hundred of the chickens to a butcher shop. Jennifer S. Alderson
If a picture is worth a thousand words, why did God invent captions? David Mellonie
I didn't get the impression that the policeman cared much about the whole thing either. After another thirty minutes of ruthless interrogation ('Can you ve'fy you eat banan' pancake?') he let me go asking me not to leave Khao San within 24 hours Alex Garland
We were not born into this life knowingthat we were going to becomerich or poor, striving or with a celeb status, sick or healthy. But one thing that I know is thatthe human mind is a powerful tool to achieve success. No matter the circumstances, greatness is when you pushyourself above the odds. Henry Johnson Jr
HAVING NEVER taken a decent holiday before, I decided on a trip to Thailand, booked a flight and flew out the following week. Mate, I loved it. The friendly people, the food, the females! Simon Palmer
I noticed some scratch marks and faded blood stains high up on a wall. “What happened there?”“ An inmate must have tried to escape. I saw a guy use two suction devices like the ones used to carry glass sheets to help lever himself up. He reached half way before being spotted by a blue shirt.”“ What happened to him?”“ The blue shirt called a guard. He was ordered to come down, but didn’t. They shot him in the leg, he fell and later in the cell, he removed a blade from a disposable razor, slashed his left wrist then wrote a suicide note on the wall with his right hand — in his own blood. Suicide is really common in here and nobody bats an eyelid. . Simon Palmer
Why is it that one of the best songs in the world has to be written by the BeeGees?"Benedict Tricia Walker
Reaching for the basket of sex accoutrements, she took a thin, red tube, squeezed some clear gel onto her fingertips and returned to fondle his balls. “What’s that?” he asked, feeling a warm, tingling sensation around his genitals.“ You not try before?” She smiled saucily. He shook his head.“… Special for you. Simon Palmer
THE PLAQUE read HARVEY GOULD, P I. It was the middle of the day, but the blinds were closed. Inside a desktop sat flanked by three non-matching chairs, a creased, leather sofa and a bookcase full of fiction. A middle-aged man lay back with a pair of briefs hanging around his ankles. A gorgeous, young lady was bent over him in a pair of pink panties that stretched over her pert buttocks. Her head was bobbing up and down and her long, thick black hair swished around her neck with each bob. Harvey lay motionless, moaning. . Simon Palmer
No sun cream or condoms, just in case you’re looking at the lady-boys. There’s plenty of AIDS lingering about and every STD you can imagine. Simon Palmer
One of the dreams on my wish list is to spend more time in Thailand. Kevin Kwan
In Thailand's history there have been dissensions from time to time, but in general, unity has prevailed. Bhumibol Adulyadej