7 Quotes About Teachability

In God's kingdom, calling trumps credentials every time! God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called. And the litmus test isn't experience or expertise. It's availability and teachability. If you are willing to go when God gives you a green light, He will take you to inaccessible places to do impossible things. Mark Batterson
Advice saves you time. If you ask anyone over fifty, which is more important, time or money, they will ALWAYS tell you time. Douglas Copeland
No reproach for a person willing to give honorable service in the passion to become wise. Plato
They (Reagan and Kennedy) had some combination of cheerfulness and vulnerability that made them seem like boys on adventure who had become lost in needed a small kindness to get them back on the right path. Scott Farris
Writers who think THEY are being criticized when only that writing is being criticized are beyond a teacher's reach. Writing can only be learned when a writer coldly separates himself from what he has written and looks at it with the objectivity of a plumber examining a newly piped bathroom to see if he got all the joints tight. William Zinsser
Self-help courses will only help you if they teach you to pay attention to life itself. Richard Rohr