6 Quotes About Stumbling

Stumbling is a part of life. It’s entirely normal for people to fall, fail, and make mistakes. But it’s also normal to pick ourselves up and try again. Living a life without stumbles isn’t realistic, and we all need to accept the fact that we won’t always be perfect Read more

Instead of letting them bring us down or make us feel bad about ourselves, use these life quotes about stumbling as a means of encouragement and inspiration.

Doing Kashaya[anger, pride, deceit and greed] means to stumble. If artadhyan (adverse meditation) and raudradhyan (wrathful meditation) occurs, it is called stumbling. Dada Bhagwan
Dedication requires a specific sacrifice and for many Christians this becomes a stumbling block Sunday Adelaja
In the constant pursuit of perfection, junk food will always be a rather painful stumbling block C.S. Woolley
You are a beloved child of God. But please remember this, too: You are human. You cannot expect to eat perfectly, look perfect, or be perfect. When you stumble, pick yourself up, even if you have to do it again and again. Kate Wicker
We're all stumbling in the dark, and that makes for some pretty interesting collisions. Marty Rubin