100 Quotes About Stop

The only person you are responsible for is yourself. Do not allow others to make you feel bad about yourself. It is their job to inspire you, not your job to worry about them. You are allowed to be yourself Read more

You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to be happy. You are allowed to care about other people and still be true to yourself.

Most importantly, you are allowed to stop making others feel bad about themselves because of your own actions.

Never stop just because you feel defeated. The journey to...
Never stop just because you feel defeated. The journey to the other side is attainable only after great suffering. Santosh Kalwar
When you are angry try your best to go to...
When you are angry try your best to go to sleep, it keeps you away from speaking, writing and thinking while you are angry. Amit Kalantri
You know the minute you stop thinking about it, it'll...
You know the minute you stop thinking about it, it'll happen. Sarah Dessen
Many may have stopped believing in you, but God hasn't.
Many may have stopped believing in you, but God hasn't. Anita R. SneedCarter
When people want to be liked for what they did,...
When people want to be liked for what they did, they should stop. Karl Lagerfeld
I've come to the point where I never feel the...
I've come to the point where I never feel the need to stop and evaluate whether or not I am happy. I'm just 'being', and without question, by default, it works. Criss Jami
Never stop seeking, even when it seems there is no...
Never stop seeking, even when it seems there is no hope Sunday Adelaja
My fear of endings too often blocks my hope of...
My fear of endings too often blocks my hope of beginnings. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Passion makes you good, but pride stops you to get...
Passion makes you good, but pride stops you to get better. Amit Kalantri
All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hide like the...
All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hide like the moon cannot stop oceanic tide;but a hidden star can still be smiling at night's black spell on darkness, beguiling Munia Khan
Just stop wishing and start working!
Just stop wishing and start working! Israelmore Ayivor
If you are going to quit after a couple of...
If you are going to quit after a couple of steps, you aren’t going to be the best you can ever be. Israelmore Ayivor
The devil will try to stop you on your path...
The devil will try to stop you on your path to success, He can do this through doubts and fear Sunday Adelaja
Stop listening to fairy that money grows on the tree
Stop listening to fairy that money grows on the tree Sunday Adelaja
To save face, it's better not to ask sex from...
To save face, it's better not to ask sex from the ex, but to give everything the axe. Anthony Liccione
Wonder is the heaviest element on the periodic table. Even...
Wonder is the heaviest element on the periodic table. Even a tiny fleck of it stops time. Diane Ackerman
Love is such a tremendous force of feeling! When you...
Love is such a tremendous force of feeling! When you can't stop loving, you simply cannot stop it. Munia Khan
I fear being alone more than anything else. So why...
I fear being alone more than anything else. So why do I do this? Why do I push away the people I love? What is so very wrong with me? I don’t know. And I don’t know how to make it stop. Victoria Aveyard
If the devil is sending you thoughts of fear, resist...
If the devil is sending you thoughts of fear, resist him, stop the thoughts Sunday Adelaja
About time, ” Brianna said.“ Hey, sorry, we were kind of busy, ” Quinn snapped. “And I didn’t exactly realize I was on a schedule.”“ I don’t like what I have to do here, ” Brianna said. She handed Quinn the note. He read it. Read it again.“ Is this some kind of joke?” he demanded.“ Albert’s dead, ” Brianna said. “Murdered.”“What?”“He’s dead. Sam and Dekka are off in the wilderness somewhere. Edilio’s got the flu, he might die, a lot of kids have. A lot. And there are these, these monsters, these kind of bugs. . no one knows what to call them. heading toward town.” Her face contorted in a mix of rage and sorrow and fear. She blurted, “And I can’t stop them! ” Quinn stared at her. Then back at the note. He felt his contented little universe tilt and go sliding away. There were just two words on the paper: “Get Caine. Michael Grant
When you get shy, you’re simply thinking of yourself. Stop...
When you get shy, you’re simply thinking of yourself. Stop it. Step out of yourself. Kamand Kojouri
Stopping, sitting down and finding time for reflection are considered...
Stopping, sitting down and finding time for reflection are considered to be the most essential action related to fulfilling a human’s destination Sunday Adelaja
To sit down means to calm down without rush and...
To sit down means to calm down without rush and fuss, stop and reflect, analyze all pros and cons, count all possible merits and faults Sunday Adelaja
The devil will try and do everything possible to stop,...
The devil will try and do everything possible to stop, distract us from our purpose Sunday Adelaja
You can accomplish His will, without stopping midway, and even...
You can accomplish His will, without stopping midway, and even though you may face obstacles, you will overcome Sunday Adelaja
It is not over, unless you stop trying.
It is not over, unless you stop trying. Nabil N. Jamal
Once you “believe” that you can do it and do...
Once you “believe” that you can do it and do take the first step forward, stop doubting yourself. Nabil N. Jamal
Be like a water who creates his own path don't...
Be like a water who creates his own path don't be like a stone who stops everyone's path Awais Aman
QUIT = Quickly Uphold Important Things
QUIT = Quickly Uphold Important Things Richie Norton
Life is similar to a bus ride. The journey begins when we board the bus. We meet people along our way of which some are strangers, some friends and some strangers yet to be friends. There are stops at intervals and people board in. At times some of these people make their presence felt, leave an impact through their grace and beauty on us fellow passengers while on other occasions they remain indifferent. But then it is important for some people to make an exit, to get down and walk the paths they were destined to because if people always made an entrance and never left either for the better or worse, then we would feel suffocated and confused like those people in the bus, the purpose of the journey would lose its essence and the journey altogether would neither be worthwhile nor smooth. Chirag Tulsiani
Sometimes the best solution is to stop trying to change...
Sometimes the best solution is to stop trying to change people. Jeffrey Fry
You must stop been so carnal and learn to say...
You must stop been so carnal and learn to say no to people, if it concerns the things of God Sunday Adelaja
Steps can then be taken to slow down the natural progression before it gets started. It doesn't work to allow all the preliminary intimacies and then hope to stop the progression just short of intercourse. Very few people have the willpower to do that. James C. Dobson
My life wasn’t just about one city, or one Epic,...
My life wasn’t just about one city, or one Epic, anymore. It was about a war. It was about finding a way to stop the Epics.Permanently. Brandon Sanderson
Stop and think about who you are and where you've come from. Love yourself and comfort your spirit. Don't go wandering the streets looking for love and attention. Self love and respect must be a priority Amaka Imani Nkosazana
If you do not want to be lied to, then...
If you do not want to be lied to, then you need to stop following politics. Steven Magee
You can't stop the future You can't rewind the past...
You can't stop the future You can't rewind the past The only way to learn the secret...is to press play. Jay Asher
Stop trying to change someone who does not want to change. Stop giving chances to someone who abuses your forgiveness. Stop walking back to the place where your heart ran from. Stop trusting their words and ignoring their actions. Stop breaking your own heart. Trent Shelton
Another day. How long are you gonna scroll down? Semicolon...
Another day. How long are you gonna scroll down? Semicolon Smile Sanhita Baruah
May be the road you travel doesn’t give you the...
May be the road you travel doesn’t give you the beautiful fate you have always dreamed off! Stop and change the road, no matter how difficult it may be! Mehmet Murat Ildan
How I wish I was like the water, Flowing so freely with every drop Let my every emotion wonder, No need to start, nor even stop How I wish I was like the fire, Burning with every flame up Leaving a trace of hot desire As a Phoenix raises its' wings up How I wish I was like the earth, Raising each flower from the ground Seeing the beauty of death and birth And then returning to the ground How I wish I was like the wind, Hearing each whisper, sound and thought A lonesome and wandering little wind, Shattering all that has been sought Oh, how I wish I was where you are, Not separated by empty space, so far It seems like we're galaxies apart, But we find hope within our heart And how I wish I was all of the above, So I can come below and yet forget, The beauty of angels which come down like a dove And demons who love with no regret. Unknown
Without a beginning I am pouring the whole of my existence into the building of endings, while the cross and the resurrection declare that God is incessantly building beginnings from the collapse of endings. Craig D. Lounsbrough
I am a nyctophile, and I can't stop or help...
I am a nyctophile, and I can't stop or help myself from falling in love for the darkest ends of your soul, rather than the light in your eyes. Akshay Vasu
If you're determined to stand, nothing can move you. If you're determined to move, nothing can stop you. Determination is the key! Israelmore Ayivor
Until you do your best, don't try to take a rest. Until you take a leap, don't try to sleep. Until you top, don't try to stop. Israelmore Ayivor
However much silence you behold, that amount of intellect will stop. Dada Bhagwan
Stop making excuses and start making history. A.D. Posey
THE OLD MAN IN THE CORNERThe man in the corner Is dying with words He's crying to be heard His days are marked And his only ears are birds He knows the secret to peace And his experience bleeds and hurts Somebody stop and listen Before he departs the earth! Somebody write his thoughts Before he hits the turf! His eyes are closing their shutters And he just dropped his Beads and stick. His breath is leaving us. Please! Somebody hear him out quick! A little girl rushes to him and Picks up his cane of wood. The old man then turns to her And faintly whispers, " The key to peace is To always stay fair And be good. . Suzy Kassem
A thing about poetry is, It takes cuts and pain to bleed words. The deeper the wound is, the more you bleed. And eventually, you will start falling in love with it. But the saddest part is, sometimes there comes a moment when you start to feel that all those wounds on your soul are not enough. And you start cutting yourself deeper, forgetting when to stop. Akshay Vasu
The heart apparently doesn’t stop that easily. Haruki Murakami
If the heart could think it would stop beating. Fernando Pessoa
I count everything. Even numbers, odd numbers, multiples of 10. I count the ticks of the clock i count the tocks of the clock I count the lines between the lines on a sheet of paper. I count the broken beats of my heart I count my pulse and my blinks and the number of tries it takes to inhale enough oxygen for my lungs. I stay like this I stand like this I count like this until the feeling stops. Until the tears stop spilling, until my fists stop shaking, until my heart stops aching. There are never enough numbers. . Tahereh Mafi
They can stop a river by building a dam, but I will be damned if they can stop my river of blood flowing through my veins and heart. Anthony Liccione
How can we expect to be happy when we have no peace of mind, when our mind is constantly jumping from the present to the past? When your mind is constantly running and filled with anxiety and fear, where is the freedom? You are stuck in the prison of your mind, stuck in thoughts and feelings from yesterday, from five years ago. There comes a time when everyone has to stop, look deep, breathe and let go. Evan Sutter
I’ve learnt to gather simplicity from grasshoppers. I like their naive indecisive minds never knowing exactly when to stop chirping, and I envy their ability to be able to mingle with the green… Munia Khan
We need to stop using fossil fuels as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the two leading replacements of wind and solar have emerging health and environmental problems. Steven Magee
There is a world outside the one we know, ” he said softly, “with cultures and races and armies who have never heard of us. Yes, and cities greater than Yenking and Karakorum. To survive, to grow, we must remain strong. We must conquer new lands, so that our army is always fed, always moving. To stop is to die, Chagatai. Conn Iggulden
I really hope that the Japanese are going to stop demonstrating to the world what man-made radiation does to people. Steven Magee
All this waiting. Waiting for the rain to stop. Waiting in traffic. Waiting for the bill. Waiting at the airport for an old friend. Waiting to depart. Then, there’s the big waiting: waiting to grow up. Waiting for love. Waiting to show youryour parents that when you have kids you’ll be different. Waiting to retire. Waiting for death. Why do we think waitingis the antithesis of lifewhen it is almostall of it? . Kamand Kojouri
Stop looking forward to things, look inward instead. Kamand Kojouri
S.T.O.P. = Start To Open Possibilities Richie Norton
Some days I wonder if I stopped writing about him, if I’d love him a little less. Dominic Riccitello
I’ve read somewhere in a book when something happens that is unbearable to you, sometimes, time stops. Like your inner clock just stops working, even if the world keeps spinning you will stand still for the rest of your life. Katja Michael
I touched you and my life stopped Pablo Neruda
Stop living in the shadows of another. You've been given everything needed to live a purposed filled life. Don't be a second rate version of yourself. Amaka Imani Nkosazana
A smile will go the mile, while a frown will take you down. Anthony Liccione
Never stop acquiring the commonsense, it is as good as the knowledge. Amit Kalantri
As you grow old, if you don't earn some money or inspiration out of your hobby, you will stop pursuing your hobby. Amit Kalantri
Pragmatism is good prevention for problems. Amit Kalantri
When someone puts an end to something, it doesn't mean that he gave up, it means that thing is not taking him anywhere. Michael Bassey Johnson
The day you stop learning is the day you begin to die. Lack of knowledge is the fundamental principle for killing "alive and kicking" dreams. Israelmore Ayivor
Stop competing, stop judging, stop comparing, stop blaming and better you, for you. Turcois Ominek
Stop falling for those who won't raise you up in the future. Michael Bassey Johnson
The future of the next generation relies on astronomers obtaining a full understanding ofthe rapidly changing human environmental conditions and the halting of biologically toxic corporategovernment policies. The overloading of the electromagnetic environment is one of these disastrouspolicies that must stop. Steven Magee
Stop and say something good about yourself! Believe what you have just said! Pray for what you have just believed! Have faith for what you just prayed for! Work out that faith!. ..and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you! Israelmore Ayivor
We will go far away, to nowhere, to conquer, to fertilize until we become tired. Then we will stop and there will be our home. Dejan Stojanovic
Hero, ” said Machaon to his sister who was still muttering to her gods. “Please stop. Surely the gods would have heard you by now … let’s try not to annoy them. Sulari Gentill
Stop blaming people for not helping you. No matter how your teacher teaches you to recite a poem, you can’t wear her smiling face to the platform. You’ve got to put that smile on your own face. Israelmore Ayivor
No policeman had ever arrested anyone for over-reading; but ignorance prosecutes those who under-read. You begin to stop growing on the day you stop learning, so why not keep learning and keep growing! Israelmore Ayivor
There is no compromise when it comes to someones delicate feelings, the only way out is to stop pretending and set yourself free from someones life. Michael Bassey Johnson
They may take you for a fool, promise to shower you with the world, use their canny devastating tongue to manipulate and dominate your mind, but its better to put them bulshit people at arms length rather than falling into the arms of infidelity. Michael Bassey Johnson
You’re innocent until proven guilty, ” Mandy exclaimed, unable to hide her gleeful smile. She missed the way people used to have normal conversations, used to be more caring for each other than themselves, back in the Seventies and Eighties. These days, she realized, neighbors kept to themselves, their kids kept to themselves, nobody talked to each other anymore. They went to work, went shopping and shut themselves up at home in front of glowing computer screens and cellphones… but maybe the nostalgic, better times in her life would stay buried, maybe the world would never be what it was. In the 21st century music was bad, movies were bad, society was failing and there were very few intelligent people left who missed the way things used to be… maybe though, Mandy could change things. Thinking back to the old home movies in her basement, she recalled what Alecto had told her. “We wanted more than anything else in the world to be normal, but we failed.” The 1960’s and 1970’s were very strange times, but Mandy missed it all, she missed the days when Super-8 was the popular film type, when music had lyrics that made you think, when movies had powerful meanings instead of bad comedy and when people would just walk to a friend’s house for the afternoon instead of texting in bed all day. She missed soda fountains and department stores and non-biodegradable plastic grocery bags, she wished cellphones, bad pop music and LED lights didn’t exist… she hated how everything had a diagnosis or pill now, how people who didn’t fit in with modern, lazy society were just prescribed medications without a second thought… she hated how old, reliable cars were replaced with cheap hybrid vehicles… she hated how everything could be done online, so that people could just ignore each other… the world was becoming much more convenient, but at the same time, less human, and her teenage life was considered nostalgic history now. Hanging her head low, avoiding the slightly confused stare of the cab driver through the rear view mirror, she started crying uncontrollably, her tears soaking the collar of her coat as the sun blared through the windows in a warm light. Rebecca McNutt
Avoid the use of abusive words in communications that may switch off the attention of your mentor and your customers away. Israelmore Ayivor
Stop tagging everyone into your life's profile. For all you don't know, some will neither comment nor commend you; some may not like or hike with you! Evil companies corrupt good morals... Watch who goes with you and why!. ..live life soooo well! ! Israelmore Ayivor
I am not stopping till my enemies become my friends. Amit Kalantri
I am not stopping till my critics become my fans. Amit Kalantri
Stop the pity party! Your sorrow is full and complete when you go through unfortunate circumstances and decide to mourn for life as a result of the unexpected. Israelmore Ayivor
Stop punishing yourself for things not accomplish yet in life. As long as there is life, there is hope. It is important for you to value who you are by the grace of God. Now, get set to improve that value! Israelmore Ayivor
Stop over-loading yourself with numberless tasks. Give time to yourself for rest and positive deliberations. You can’t think better and plan better when you are under stress! Israelmore Ayivor
You owe it to yourself, to refuse to surrender to obstacles that are meant to stop you from reaching far in your endeavours. Be determined that you will never be a captive of your environment. Israelmore Ayivor
Never stop learning to be who you are meant to be just because you have found someone and decided to be like him/her. Israelmore Ayivor
To become greater in anything you can do, prepare to be a rejecter of everything that you cannot do. Neglect whatever activities that do not contribute to your success and you will never regret the path you select! Israelmore Ayivor
Kill the fears before they endorse your failures. When you attempt to stop the terrorist at the time he's at work, you are too late! Israelmore Ayivor
Stop chasing another busy self to become. Your real self is idle waiting to be lived... Go, take up your real self! Israelmore Ayivor
You can choose when and when not to be stopped... Choose to be stopped after you die... when your work is done and done well. Israelmore Ayivor
Keep away from people who always try to stop you from sharing your opinions with the entire world. Don't listen to people who mock you because you talked about who you want to be! Exposed yourself! Israelmore Ayivor
Your help comes from the Lord God who made heaven, earth and you! Grab your mission; that's your father's assignment for you! No one can stop you from attaining success with the assignment your father gave you to do! Israelmore Ayivor
Let's stop discussing about who a wise person is and start learning to become wise persons. Begin acquiring knowledge at the very moment you discover that there is something called "knowledge"! Israelmore Ayivor
Stop blaming people for not making you to achieve your dreams. The question is "are they the people having those dreams? Israelmore Ayivor
You need to GIVE UP on methods that always give you wrong results... No matter how committed you are with a wrong formular, it always gives a wrong answer. Give up! Israelmore Ayivor