13 Quotes About Spiritual Experience

When life gets too hectic, it’s easy to let the world pass you by. But with daily meditation, prayer, and reflection, you can regain peace of mind and focus on what’s most important. We all live in the greatest country in the world, but there are still some people who aren’t as fortunate as others. Help them feel good with these inspirational quotes about faith and spirituality.

Religious structure often dilutes the spiritual experience.
Religious structure often dilutes the spiritual experience. Steve Maraboli
When you translate the Bible with excessive literalism, you demythologize...
When you translate the Bible with excessive literalism, you demythologize it. The possibility of a convincing reference to the individual's own spiritual experience is lost. (111) Joseph Campbell
Far from making me feel different and special, my [spiritual] experiences made me feel the same, ordinary, and interconnected. If I felt more spiritual, everyone else felt more spiritual as well. (276) Julia Cameron
The teachings of ECK define the nature of Soul. You...
The teachings of ECK define the nature of Soul. You are Soul, a particle of God sent into this world to gain spiritual experience. Paul Twitchell
The morning was, therefore, a mixture of a plenitude of densities, from the presence of the placid birds, to the mundane premonition, to the spring of small glisters which accompanied that autumnal rain. The music, in a simple whistle, recreated a new universe with the parish and all the hearts that were witness to it- padre, pigeons, swallows, the world! - were clothed in a new carnivalesque colouring: a celebration from within. Ondjaki
The sensation that allows you to experience the physical reality, when detached from the physical body allows you to realize life beyond the physical reality. Roshan Sharma
The most critical of these new religious developments for twentieth-century religious liberalism were a renewed and transformed emphasis on mystical practice and experience, the healing ministry known as mind cure, and the rise of modern psychology. These three interrelated spiritual innovations spread as significant components of popular religion in large part through the mass print media. Rather than religious movements dependent on revivalism or church life, these were first and foremost discourses, creatures of the printed word. Initially explored only by an avant-garde of liberal intellectuals late in the nineteenth century, the new books and ideas emerging at the margins of liberal Protestantism eventually reached a nation-wide middle-class audience. The mass media unleashed by nineteenth-century evangelicalism enabled the alternative spiritualities of the twentieth century to flourish, especially with the rise of religious middlebrow culture in the decades after World War I. Matthew Hedstrom
Observation and expansion are two elements of meditation. While a teacher may guide you to have the right posture and give instruction on following the breath, no one can teach you about the experience. It comes through practice and patience. Debra Moffitt
[2 Corinthians 1:21-22] says that God has anointed us, has sealed us, and has given us the pledge, the foretaste, of the Spirit. If we are going to minister something of Christ to others, we have to experience Christ by the working of the cross, and the working of the cross is for the anointing, the sealing, and the pledge of the Spirit. Witness Lee
He felt entombed and stifled and desperately craved oxygen. He vainly raised the question: Why have you forsaken me?' Call my mother, ' he yelled. He had meant to say: I'm dying. Please call a priest. The shadowy Presence, who had been in a panic, rushed over to him and, disregarding the fact that it was live, pushed the cable aside.' You're alive, ' the Presence said in breathless tones. 'Mamma's here to help.' The elevator continued to descend, creating a vacuum. Barnes gasped for breath.' Breathe in, breathe out, ' the Presence urged. She tapped his pulse rapidly with two fingers. 'Come on, you can do it. One, two, three. Breathe in. Mamma's here to help.' .. In his delirium he thought that indeed his mother was here to help. However, in all of Barnes's twenty-nine years of so-called living, his mother had never come so comfortingly close as this. Joseph G. Peterson
In my mind, past, present and future became a blur as I stood in the middle of the celestial room, in the middle of forever. It was as if I were to take a rope that went on forever in both directions and cut it anywhere then the cut would always be exactly in the middle. And if I cut it twice I would have a beginning and an end, but eternity would continue in both directions. Mike Ericksen
Third-eye is a gift from life. It’s the gift you receive when you travel the long path of both your external and internal reality towards the self. Roshan Sharma