4 Quotes About South Asium

If you’re from India, it’s likely you’ve been told your entire life “you are a woman, not a man!” That is, if you’re male. But while these stereotypes may be pervasive in the country, they aren’t always true. These five quotes about being a south-asian woman will help you embrace your own identity and become the best version of yourself.

She has many names and many visages. She has loves and desires. She dares to dream of a future for herself and her people, despite living under the shadow of the gun, the acrid odour of devastation clogging her nostrils. For the most part she is stoic, for the garrison is also her home, her workplace, her field and her playground. Sometimes, she cries out in anguish, but the sound is muted, for there are few who want to hear. Her suffering and courage would be the stuff of legend, if only legend consisted of ordinary women carrying out extraordinary acts, going about the daily business of survival, displaying super-human strength in countering a mighty military juggernaut. Laxmi Murthy
And what is gossip anyway? Just fragments of sad accounts, maneuvered and mutilated year after year for our sinful pleasure. Kanza Javed
Who are you if nobody knows your story? Thisuri Wanniarachchi