3 Quotes About Sorceress

You are the only person you ever need. The only person who can make you feel completely safe. The only person who can make you feel worthwhile. And if you’re happy, it’s because of her Read more

But she isn’t here right now, so I need to fill her shoes with someone else.

It’s amazing what desperation can do to a person. It can seep into the heart. Turn us into the very monsters we fight." -Vexis C.M. Hayden
I've a need for knowing what potion you mixed with these, lass." The rich baritone of his voice washed over her with a mesmerizing quality. She liked the sound. A lot. 'Twas deep and majestic, the kind of voice a body would never tire of hearing.. Apparently we have company. We shall finish this conversation anon."" I highly doubt that we will, " she retorted. "My brother has arrived to accuse me of witchcraft and arrest me. Unless you are available for hire as my protector, this conversation is quite finished." Instead of appearing shocked, the stranger's eyes took on a twinkle. "Is that so? Most damsels in your distressed shoes would be either weeping or swooning by now. Instead you offer me employment. I'll admit I am fascinated by your offer. Jo Grafford