6 Quotes About Sneaking

Finding the right words when it’s time to share your feelings can be difficult. Sometimes, it’s best to keep things to yourself when you don’t know what you’re feeling. But sometimes, letting your feelings out can make all the difference. Whatever the case may be, these sneaky quotes about love will inspire you to spill your guts and really share your feelings with the one you love.

Now listen, we need to be quiet as mice. No, quieter than that. As quiet as .. . as .. .” “Dead mice?” Reynie suggested. “Perfect, ” said Kate with an approving nod. “As quiet as dead mice. Trenton Lee Stewart
It is strange how loud little sounds become when you are in the dark and doing something wrong. Richard Llewellyn
Your diet must be about fifty-fifty, carrots and locoweed, " Annie said softly. He froze." I can't figure out what in the name of God's labia majora you think you're doing...but I'm impressed by how well you're doing it in the dark. You must have eyes like a cat. Spider Robinson
Viktor looked at the older man’s nightshirt, robe, and nightcap. His lips quirked into a smile. “The hour is late, and the household sleeps. How is it that you are still awake?”“ I knew you would be knocking on the door sooner or later.” Pickles looked down his long nose at him. “You have passed the previous six nights with Her Ladyship.”“You are observant, my good man.”“ No, Your Highness, I am the one who locks the door at night.” Pickles reached into his robe’s pocket and produced a key. He passed it to the prince, saying, “After tonight, let yourself into thehouse.” Viktor grinned at the majordomo and lifted the key out of his hand. “Your trust honors me.”“ You are unlikely to abscond with the silver, ” Pickles drawled. . Patricia Grasso
Cody probably wasn’t in danger either, but he wasn’t willing to risk it when these might also be good guys that he might need later to help him sneak into some forgotten city win himself an empire at the price of gallons of blood... Jim Dyar