20 Quotes About Smugness

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. -Derrick Bell

Glory of the world makes life meaningless. Glory of God...
Glory of the world makes life meaningless. Glory of God fulfills it. Indonesia123
Beware ! Heart is too small to feel happy but...
Beware ! Heart is too small to feel happy but soul is too big to take glory Indonesia123
Beware ! Discipline goes to two different directions : success...
Beware ! Discipline goes to two different directions : success and self glory. Self glory is the biggest failure of life. Indonesia123
Kingdom of God will surely come upon someone if glory...
Kingdom of God will surely come upon someone if glory of man leaves him Indonesia123
It is not reputation, fame, success or religiosity that glorifies...
It is not reputation, fame, success or religiosity that glorifies God, it's slavery. Indonesia123
Yesterday i was clever so i took the glory for...
Yesterday i was clever so i took the glory for me. Today HE makes me wise so i give the glory to HIM. Indonesia123
Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing....
Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing. Small things in glory of God mean everything. Truly..., size doesn't matter in this world or in the world to come. Indonesia123
Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is
Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is "tetelestai". Life is not about what we have done and become, but how God to be fully glorified. Indonesia123
Whatever we have in the glory of man is
Whatever we have in the glory of man is "away". Those are just not enough before we go "home" to the glory of God. Indonesia123
Yesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for...
Yesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for me. Today He makes me wise, so I give the glory to Thee Indonesia123
If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do...
If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do then everything on earth will glorify God. Indonesia123
It was the kind of country that made you feel better about yourself. David Halberstam
He (Lincoln) differed from fanatical moralists primarily in that he was always perplexed. No sooner did he believe he was doing God's will that he began to admit that God's purposes might be different from his own. In short, he never forgot the men's contrast between the absolute goodness of God and the faltering goodness of all who are in the finite predicament. Elton Trueblood
Smugness is the Great Catholic Sin. Flannery OConnor
Deeply convinced of the reality of the divine will, he (Lincoln) had no patience at all with any who were perfectly sure they knew the details of the divine will. Elton Trueblood
Moral voices can also become sanctimonious bullies. Nicholas Kristof
Complacency traps people and besiege them until longer period. The biggest challenge is to become aware of its existence and stepping out of it quickly. Ashish Patel
His work was defined by emphasis on the subversiveness philosophy, which asks questions, as opposed to the self-satisfaction of politics, which believes it has answers and insists on them. Harvey Mansfield
Contentment should not be confused with smugness… Contentment is being happy despite of the successes and failures. Girdhar Joshi