3 Quotes About Sidhi

Sidhi is a Sanskrit word meaning “perfection,” and the concept of perfection is central to many Eastern philosophies. In meditation, we aim to reach a state of self-realization (siddhi) — achieving a higher level of consciousness — and we want to bring that same goal into everyday life. We all live in a world that is constantly changing and sometimes we feel like we’re not making the most of our lives. These quotes and sayings will help you find your own level of perfection and lead you forward in your spiritual growth.

Katie purred in pleasure as she licked the beating vein...
Katie purred in pleasure as she licked the beating vein in Jared’s neck. Jodie B. Cooper
She touched something deep in his soul. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but the thought of hurting her made his chest ache. Jodie B. Cooper